Forget that summertime favorite "bug juice," a German eatery is adding bugs to ice cream -- crickets, to be exact
Eiscafé Rino in the southern city of Rottenburg introduced cricket-flavored ice cream topped with the dried insects themselves this week.
位于德国南部城市罗滕堡的Eiscafé Rino,在本周推出了一种“蟋蟀味”的冰淇淋,冰淇淋上会点缀一些昆虫干。
The owner created the delicacy, and proudly posed with it on Instagram.
这道“美食”是由Eiscafé Rino的店主创造的,他还自豪地在Instagram上进行了分享。
"We've literally been inundated with... lots of criticism, lots of compliments, lots of surprises and lots of curiosity about our new cricket flour ice cream!" he said in the post.

He said he worked on the confection all winter, creating it on a bet and didn't introduce it "without fear of repercussion."
"It's a small message for the food that could be the future.
I've eaten a lot of things, including a lot of strange things, and crickets were something I still wanted to try."
The recipe consists of cricket flour, heavy cream, vanilla extract and honey.
Although he admits the unusual frozen treat has already garnered "lots of criticism," there are also many daring consumers who give the flavor a taste.