China's onshore A-shares were hovering close to bull market territory on Monday, the first day after returning from the Lunar New Year holiday. The CSI 300, which tracks stocks of the largest listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen, closed at 4,201.35 on Monday — up 19.74% from its recent low of 3,508.7 seen on Oct. 31 last year, Refinitiv data showed. A bull market is technically defined as a period where stocks increase by at least 20% from recent lows.
1.bull market 牛市
2.Lunar New Year 农历新年
3.CSI 300 沪深三百指数
4.listed companies 上市公司
5.monetary policy 货币政策
例句:The New Year bulls of China A shares have primarily been boosted by the stimulus monetary policy and reopening optimism.
6.bear market 熊市
例句:The last bear market in the US lasted for more than a decade.