Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Alison Beard.
欢迎来到哈佛商业评论的HBR IdeaCast。我是艾莉森·比尔德。
First, he won our hearts as a child and teen actor playing the beloved TV character’s, Opie Taylor and Richie Cunningham, then he started directing hit and critically acclaimed movies from Splash and Cocoon to Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind.
刚开始,他作为一名儿童和少年演员,扮演了受人喜爱的电视角色:奥佩·泰勒和里奇·坎宁安,然后, 他开始执导热门口碑电影,从《美人鱼》与《茧》到《阿波罗13号》与《美丽心灵》。
Yes, my guest today is actor, director, producer, and Academy Award winner Ron Howard.
Often working with his longtime Imagine Entertainment partner, Brian Grazer and the industry’s top talent as well as its up and comers, Howard has produced more than 120 films and shows, and he’s directed or acted in more than 130, all while maintaining reputation for being one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.
霍华德经常与Imagine Entertainment影业的伙伴布莱恩·格雷泽合作,也常与该行业的顶尖人才以及后起之秀合作,他已经制作了120多部电影和电视剧,执导或出演了130多部影视作品,同时又保持着好莱坞最好男人之一的声誉。
His latest directorial effort, Thirteen Lives, is streaming on Amazon now.
And I spoke to him at the Masters of Scale Summit this fall, just before he went on stage to talk about the impact he wants his films to have on the world, whether it’s de-stigmatizing mental illness or celebrating cooperation and volunteerism.
Here’s an edited version of our conversation.
So your parents were in the acting business. Did you always think that you would follow in their footsteps?
Well, before I ever thought about it, I was actually involved.
So at age two, they were doing Summer Stock and if they needed a baby for a play, I’d be the baby.
But by the time I was four, I was acting, and, of course, I didn’t have anything to say about it, particularly, other than they recognized that I enjoyed it.
It was a positive experience for me. And that is my earliest recollections, are having a lot of fun.
And my dad realized I had an aptitude for it and was a naturally gifted teacher, and he really began to teach me not to perform, but to actually understand what the scenes were about.
So we got in the old Plymouth and drove to Los Angeles, and he got me with his agent.
And basically said, “I have no idea if this will go anywhere, but let’s just see.”
他基本上是在说: “我不知道这会不会有结果,但让我们拭目以待吧。”
And the first couple of jobs were actually on live television shows.
And he was so good at preparing me, and it was just so anxiety free for me that the local casting agents took notice, and I wound up working a lot that year, which ultimately led to The Andy Griffith Show.