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第1476期: 绿色上学新潮流 “自行车巴士”好快乐

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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bikebuses page 2 of 3

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, I know you're ______. So, I thinkyou'll ______.

Mark: Whatare you about ______?

Jingjing: Take a look at______.

Mark: I seea bunch of kids______. There's ______ with them, also on abike.

Jingjing: You're looking at______.

Mark: A_____?

Jingjing: Abike bus. There's ______, but the group of riders together______: it follows a route, reaches points along that route______, and picks more people up along the way.

Mark: Oh, soit's not just a group of riders ______ and are all______.

Jingjing: Well, they're all ______. In the afternoon, they'll______ of course.

Mark: I knowit's safer to ______. People driving cars easily see______ onthe road.

Jingjing: Besides, for primary school kids, it's the only way ______. Typically, you just need an adult at the head of the group and______.

Mark: ______ do these groups get? I can't imagine it's ______.

Jingjing: The one featured in the article ______. It ______ twoprimary schools.

Mark: Wherewas that?

Jingjing: Minneapolis. They only______.

Mark: Yeah,probably in September and then again in May or June. It's______ inBeijingall through November,______, streets can be pretty icy.

Jingjing: Funny, I was also reading about______ in Canada.

Mark: Well,yeah, if they ______ in British Columbia, it's ______.

Jingjing: How about Ontario?

Mark: ______. I bet kids ______ just after theirsummer vacation has ended or ______.

Jingjing: Ialso read that bike buses ______ in Spain.

Mark: Thatsounds like ______ for it.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, you did ______ when you were a kid, didn't you? Did you______by bike?

Mark: I did. I______ when I lived in a small town. When I went on tomiddle school, that was closer—______. But I still sometimestook my bike, especially if I was planning to go somewhere else with friendsafter school.

Jingjing: Would you ______ back then?

Mark: Nah, Ithink ______. My town was pretty safe. Ibet a bike bus ______and inner city neighborhoods.

Jingjing: Did you ______when you were a kid?

Mark: I hadto,______. That's what my parents told me. So,I______—7 days each.

Jingjing: What ______?

Mark: Wedidn't have to carry much, because______. We'd______, set up our tents, then ______ and ______allour heavy food from the bags lined up beside the van.

Jingjing: That sounds like fun.

Mark: We hadan Asian guy ______—a different guy each time. That______some different kinds of instant noodles. I still remember one brandcalled Yum Yum that I've only once seen for sale in China. I wasoverjoyed, but my wife didn't know______.

Jingjing: Was that brand of instant noodles ______?

Mark: Nope. ______. I guess ______ when you're really hungry.

Jingjing: Haha. Was anyone in your family______?

Mark: My dadtook his bike to work almost every day—______. His officebuilding had a gym on the ground floor, ______. So, he'd just______, ____, hit the gym, shower, and then go up to his office.

Jingjing: That sounds pretty healthy, and ______.

Mark: And______. I had a car for a while when I worked downtown,and______ a hundred bucks or more every month for parkingeven though______most of the time.

Jingjing: Itsounds like______.

Mark: Notfrugal enough, to be sure. On a typical morning, I'd turn the cornerto______ my bus stop on the other side of the boulevard, see the bus ______and then drive off, and then think, crap, I'd have to stand there foranother 20 minutes to catch the next one. So, I'd ______,not even go in, start my car, and within a few more minutes, drive______ I had just missed.

Jingjing: Nowadays, if you did the same thing, you might______.

Mark: I'd______. Almost every city would ______a few bike bus routes.

Jingjing: Iagree. I hope we'll______ in the future.

new words andphrases

get a kick out of<something>

sign off on<something>

student body

bust out<something>

what<someone> was on about

<dosomething> rain or shine


重点单词   查看全部解释    
route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的





