相信大家不论是在日常生活中, 或是在社交媒体上, 都碰到过这么一种人--
那就是不管别人说什么, Ta们都会随时开杠, 而且永远想占据道德制高点。
中文里我们形容这种人有一个词, 叫做“圣母”,这个词真的“holly害”。
Now whether in daily life or on social media, I'm sure most of you have met this type of people, whatever you say, they will attack your points and they will always try to take the moral high ground.
In today's Buzzword, we're gonna take a look at a similar concept in the English-speaking context, this is SJW, short for Social Justice Warrior.
Now hearing this you might be confused, Social Justice Warrior, someone who fights for social justice?
Sounds like a good thing, right?
Well, right at this precise moment, in the English-speaking context, the word SJW or Social Justice Warrior carries a lot of negative meaning and associations.
所以今天的Buzzword, 我们就来聊SJW这个挺有争议的概念。
Social Justice Warrior
SJW, social justice warrior is a pejorative term and internet meme. It is used to describe an individual who promotes socially progressive, left wing, and liberal views.
SJW 的一般含义
首先在现在的语境里, SJW 基本上是一个贬义词, 也是一个网络的梗。
被叫做SJW的人, 通常是会去支持和散播比较激进的,比较左以及比较自由主义的观点。
Ta们的观点可能涉及civil rights公民权利, feminism女权主义,gay and transgender rights性少数派的权利, political correctness 政治正确, multiculturalism以及多元文化主义。
有人可能会说, 像刚才说的各种各样的权利其实都是好事儿, 为什么SJW会有负面的含义?
刷“存在感” OR 为正义而战?
That's because the accusation that someone is an SJW carries implications that they are pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction, and engaging in disingenuous arguments.
这主要是因为很多人都觉得这种所谓的SJW, Ta们嘴上说的都是各种主义, 但这并不是因为Ta们很有信仰和信念;
而更多的是在追求personal validation, 也就是中文里说的“去刷自己的存在感”;
Ta们很多讨论也是“为杠而杠”, 并不是真诚的对于社会公正和正义的积极探讨。
From the early 1990s, to the early 2000s, Social Justice Warrior was used as a neutral or positive phrase for people engaged in social justice activism.
其实这个词在上个世纪90年代一直到21世纪初期, 都是一个比较中性甚至比较正面的词;
“正义之士” OR“键盘战士”?
But the term switched from primarily positive to negative around 2011, when it was first used as an insult on Twitter.
其实跟中国一样, 在英语的语境里, 很多的词汇也是在社交媒体上开始变了味儿。
比如在2011年左右, 这个词首先在推特上开始变成了一个负面的词。
And some people believe that the term “Keyboard Warrior”, maybe a precursor to the Social Justice Warrior.
也有人觉得SJW的前身很可能就是“Keyboard Warrior”, 就是咱们说的“键盘侠”。
SJW 逐渐“贬义化”
And the term's negative use became mainstream due to the 2014 Gamergate harassment campaign.
而SJW真正作为负面的词进入主流的语境, 是因为2014年的Gamergate , 叫“玩家门”的一个事件。
这个事件很复杂, 在这里就不赘述了, 如果大家有兴趣可以自己去查查看Gamergate .
In short, Gamergate supporters, they used a term to criticize what they claimed or unwanted external influences in video game media from progressive sources.
简单来讲, 就是当时有些游戏玩家认为这种过度的政治正确影响到了Ta们的言论自由。
Now the stereotype of SJW is unreasonable, sanctimonious, and biased.
这样的语境里面说到的SJW通常是不讲理、喜欢杠,同时特别圣母心、特别伪善, 而且也是充满偏见的。
著名的俚语词典Urban Dictionary (你可以理解为有点像小鸡词典这样的存)这样说到:
Urban Dictionary explains SJW as someone who repeatedly engages in arguments on social justice on the internet, often in a shallow or not well thought out way for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation.
所谓的SJW就是这种喜欢在网上开杠, 却占据道德制高点, 但实际上自己的言论和见解都非常粗浅;
Ta们之所以杠并不是因为有多坚定的信仰, 而更多的是想 提高自己的影响力, 刷自己的存在感。
And the dictionary also says, a social justice warrior does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they're fighting on behalf of.
Ta们嘴上说的那套主义其实未必是真心相信的, 甚至Ta们虽然嘴上说着为着某一群人的权利而战, 但实际上并不真正关心这群人的死活。
They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will “get SJ points” and become popular in return.
而Ta们的观点通常就是跟着某一些大V人云亦云, 炒Ta们的冷饭, 同时希望靠着自己正义斗士的这个身份, 提升自己的身价。
In other words, SJWs don't hold strong principles, but they pretend to.
说到这里, 相信你能想象到某一些人的嘴脸了。
但其实有很多人不同意SJW的这种说法, 而且认为这样的叫法比较危险。
Because some people believe that the overuse of SJW in a negative manner is simply a way to dismiss anyone who brings up real issues with social justice.
反对使用这个词的人认为, 如果我们太习惯给别人扣上SJW或者“圣母”的帽子, 我们就没有办法真正的去讨论关于Social Justice的一些话题。
Use of the term has also been described as attempting to degrade the motivations of the person accused of being an SJW implying that their motives are for personal validation rather than out of any deep-seated conviction.
But whether you like the term or not, it has become so popular that in August 2015,
Social Justice Warrior or SJW was one of several new words and phrases added to Oxford dictionaries.
Example 1:
-Social justice warrior is one of those phrases that completely flipped in its meaning in the past few decades.