Have you ever wondered why astronauts need some assistance after landing from space?
In this episode, let's find out how the shift from zero gravity-to-with gravity affects us.
A human, who is an earthling ever since, struggling to walk on Earth? Curious, aren't we?
Earth has its own gravity. Hence, it is what helps our feet in the ground, and keeps everything in place.
However, life in space is a different story, for space has zero gravity.
And because of this, it takes such a toll on the human body that astronauts literally have to learn how to walk again once they're back on Earth, after quite a duration of being in space.
How is this even possible? It is because space is messing up our sense of orientation.
Being on Earth, we all are aware of our directions. But on space? Not so much.
Sensors that are part of our vestibular system that controls our balance, and is located in our ears, are thrown off when in space.
This causes astronauts to feel dizzy in the first few days of having zero gravity.
That is why it takes a lot of body readjustments for astronauts once they're back on Earth, hence, the trouble in walking.

But, is this all? Alongside having zero gravity affects our sense of orientation, long periods in space also affect the human body itself.
Astronauts often experience pain on their feet and other parts of the body after landing from space.
Why is this? Because the significant adverse effects of long-term duration of having no gravity include muscle atrophy and deterioration of the skeleton.
Aside from this, being in space has physiological effects and substantial damage in the gastrointestinal tissues of astronauts too.
Scientists reported last 2017, that there are significant changes in the brain structures of the astronauts that had gone to space.
That is why astronauts also try their best to exercise for at least 2 hours a day to keep up muscle mass and bone density while in microgravity,
but it still doesn't guarantee having no walking problems after coming back on gravity.
Astronauts have to go through a series of physical and medical tests to see how their bodies withstood living in space, once they got back.
To sum it up, having a microgravity environment for a long time greatly affects our bodies not just physically.
This triggers to having lots of research projects regarding on how humans can survive in space for extended and indefinite periods of time.
The core challenge in overcoming this is to understand the effects and impact of long-term space travel on the human body.