The reliance of the present panic on social media suggests a largely leaderless phenomenon.[qh]
But Operation Underground Railroad has won out as a favorite of the new activists, and serves as an authority, a common reference point, and a center of gravity.[qh]
但“地下铁路行动”(Operation Underground Railroad)作为新活跃分子中最有希望的获胜者胜出,成为一个权威、一个共同的参照和一个重心 。 [qh]
The group was founded by Ballard almost a decade ago, well before the crescendo of interest in child trafficking. [qh]
In his early career, Ballard says, he spent a short time working for the CIA, then 11 years as an undercover operator and special agent for the Department of Homeland Security, partly as a member of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. [qh]
(Spokespeople for the CIA and DHS said they could not confirm Ballard’s employment record without his written permission, which he did not provide.) [qh]
Ballard has frequently explained that he became frustrated with the limitations of American legal jurisdiction and decided to strike out on his own. [qh]
Operation Underground Railroad would not be confused for a government operation; it quickly made its name conducting sting operations overseas in which Ballard or a colleague posed, often hammily, as an American pedophile.[qh]
“地下铁路行动”不会被误认为是政府行动; 它很快就因在海外执行诱捕行动而出名,在这些行动中,巴拉德、他的同事经常是在私下里假装成美国的恋童癖qh]
The team coordinated with local law enforcement, then contacted suspected traffickers, arranged a meeting, and lay in wait. [qh]
When the marks arrived and accepted payment, law enforcement stormed in and arrested the suspects. [qh]
The entire episode was generally captured on film, and much of the footage has been posted on YouTube or has appeared in feature-length documentaries. [qh]
整个事件都被拍成了电影,很多片段被上传到YouTube上,或者出现在长篇纪录片中 。 [qh]
(In its early years, the group was known for inviting minor celebrities, including The Walking Dead star Laurie Holden, to participate in rescue operations.)[qh]
While no one doubts Ballard’s enthusiasm for the work, critics have questioned the efficacy of OUR’s “raid and rescue” approach, which was popularized in the 1990s by various anti-trafficking NGOs, notably the Christian nonprofit International Justice Mission. [qh]