Data on trust between individual Americans are harder to come by; surveys have asked questions about so-called interpersonal trust less consistently, according to Pew. [qh]
美国个人之间信任的数据更难获得; 皮尤研究中心称,调查中关于所谓人际信任的问题越来越少
But, by one estimate, the percentage of Americans who believed “most people could be trusted” hovered around 45 percent as late as the mid-’80s; it is now 30 percent. [qh]
但是,据一项估计,直到80年代中期,相信“大多数人都是可以信任的”的美国人比例徘徊在45%左右; 现在是30%
According to Pew, half of Americans believe trust is down because Americans are “not as reliable as they used to be.”[qh]
Those studies of suspicious Zoom workers suggest the Trust Recession is getting worse. [qh]
By October 2021, just 13 percent of Americans were still working from home because of COVID-19, down from 35 percent in May 2020, the first month the data were collected. [qh]
But the physical separation of colleagues has clearly taken a toll, and the effects of a long bout of remote work may linger.[qh]
Why? one reason is: We’re primates. [qh]
为什么? 一个原因是:我们是灵长类动物
To hear the anthropologists tell it, we once built reciprocity by picking nits from one another’s fur—a function replaced in less hirsute times by the exchange of gossip.[qh]
And what better gossip mart is there than the office?[qh]
还有什么地方比办公室更能八卦呢? [qh]
Separate people, and the gossip—as well as more productive forms of teamwork—dries up. [qh]
In the 1970s, an MIT professor found that we are four times as likely to communicate regularly with someone sitting six feet away from us as with someone 60 feet away. [qh]
Maybe all that face time inside skyscrapers wasn’t useless after all.[qh]
Trust is about two things, according to a recent story in the Harvard Business Review: competence (is this person going to deliver quality work?) and character (is this a person of integrity?).[qh]
根据《哈佛商业评论》最近的一篇文章,信任取决于两件事:能力(这个人能否提供高质量的工作?)和性格(这个人是否正直?) [qh]
“To trust colleagues in both of these ways, people need clear and easily discernible signals about them,” wrote the organizational experts Heidi Gardner and Mark Mortensen. [qh]
They argue that the shift to remote work made gathering this information harder. [qh]
Unconsciously, they conclude, we “interpret a lack of physical contact as a signal of untrustworthiness.”[qh]
This leaves us prone to what social scientists call “fundamental attribution error”[qh]
—the creeping suspicion that Blake hasn’t called us back because he doesn’t care about the project. [qh]
Or because he cares about it so much that he’s about to take the whole thing to a competitor.[qh]
In the absence of fact—that Blake had minor dental surgery—elaborate narratives assemble.[qh]