Think Dory in Finding Nemo.
Trawling and big net purse fishing have facilitated a rise in overfishing due to the sheer volume fishing boats are able to capture per hour.
In part, this industrialization of fishing gear combined with advancements in on-boat refrigeration, processing, and storage has led to increased fishery declines since the 1950s.
But, industrialization and new technologies aren't the only reason why we see a nearly global decline in fish stocks.
These technologies are rooted in a market-based approach to fishing that has meant a constant need for growth and profit for fisherfolk, or in other words, they need to continuously outfish and outsell their competitors in order to survive.
I see the rationale for people consuming wildlife from the sea is a response to marketing, those who want to create an appetite for fish and appetite for lobsters and shrimp, because it's their profit that they're looking for.
That's Dr. Sylvia Earle, an expert in marine life, with over 30 years of experience in the ocean.
For her, the massive rise in fish consumption over the last half century has been driven by marketing, which at its root is a product of capitalist profit-driven pursuits.
If we turn back to the Northwest Atlantic coast, we can see that before European fisherfolk crossed the ocean in pursuit of richer fisheries, the waters there were teeming with fish despite the fact that the Mi'kmaq and Malecite fished those waters for sustenance.
Only once fisherfolk involved in a burgeoning capitalist market economy began to extensively fish for cod did the ecosystems begin to dwindle.
Much like other capitalist extraction industries, fishing under capitalism has commodified certain fish like cod or blue fin tuna and is fishing them to near extinction.
In a competitive fishing market, the fisherfolk who are able to catch the most amount of fish in the shortest amount of time will come out on top.
A model that incentivizes large net, trawling and mechanization processes that, when left unchecked, have decimated fisheries.
To add insult to injury, as Brett Clarke and Rebecca Clausen argue in their paper on oceanic decline and capitalism, "competitive markets create incentives to expand production, regardless of resource decline.
雪上加霜的是,正如Brett Clarke和Rebecca Clausen在他们关于海洋衰退和资本主义的论文中所说,“竞争性市场创造了扩大生产的动力,但却不考虑资源衰退。
Thus, in reaction to decreased stocks due to overfishing, groundfishing fleets moved farther offshore."
Essentially, in a capitalist market devoid of regulation, profit incentives push the fishing industry not to maintain the marine ecosystem, but instead to fish it to death and then move on to richer waters.
So then how do we challenge this paradigm?
When it comes to the declining health of our global waterways there's a lot more at work than just plastic trash.
In fact extractive fishing is just one of many threats causing marine ecosystems to crumble,
which is why saving our seas has to encompass a lot more than ocean clean ups.
Because clean-ups are just a band-aid solution.
Even if we take every piece of trash out of our waterways right now, the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic still continues to flow into our oceans every single minute.
Only larger, more structural approaches like regulating fishing industries, implementing sustainable and regenerative fishing practices guided by indigenous leaders, or maybe for some not eating fish altogether.
In fact, a portion of ocean trash is debris from industrial fishing like old nets and lines.
But "saving the oceans" is also intertwined with blocking new oil pipelines, as well as disrupting fossil fuel operations that create emissions, plastics and deadly oil spills,
which means that standing in solidarity with water protectors who stood in the way of the Keystone XL, Dakota Access, Line 3 and Line 5 pipelines and many more is also crucial to protecting our waterways.
这意味着,声援那些阻止Keystone XL、Dakota Access、3号线和5号线以及更多管道的水资源保护者对保护我们的水道也至关重要。
Ultimately, there countless movements and organizers already working to overthrow the fossil fuel industry and extraction paradigms.
Paradigms that lead to ocean trash and decimated fish populations.
So to truly "save" the seas, we need to mobilize ourselves, find a place to plug in, whether that be a mutual aid organization, a local socialist chapter, or eco-sabotage group, and a fight for a future where life on land and in the water isn't in danger of tipping over the edge.
因此,为了真正 “拯救”海洋,我们需要动员起来,找到一个可以插入的地方,无论是互助组织、当地的社会主义分会,还是生态破坏组织,并为一个陆地和水中的生命不处于危险边缘的未来而奋斗。
During this video, you might have noticed that I left out a growing industry that's slowly piling more fish onto our plates: aquaculture!
It's a huge topic and I felt that it deserved more than just a one-sentence mention in this video, so instead, I wrote a small section covering the key issues of fish farming.