John Koenig thinks the English language is a magnificent sponge. And for that, it has many holes. His job is to fill the holes in the language, to give a name to emotions we all might experience but yet don't have a word for.
John Koenig 认为英语就像一块神奇的海绵,有很多洞,他要做的就是填补语言上的这些漏洞,给那些我们都体会过但是没有对应词语的感情命名。
sponge n. 海绵
很多人认识这个单词可能还是通过海绵宝宝,那可爱的海绵宝宝英文名可不是 sponge baby,而是 SpongeBob SquarePants. 而且 sponge 这个词经常用到它的比喻意义,表示能吸收很多的东西,语言是海绵,爱学习的大脑也是海绵。
His mind was like a sponge, ready to absorb anything.
fill the holes 填补漏洞
海绵上有很多洞,洞就是 holes,填补这些洞,这个搭配是 fill the holes. 比如填补系统的漏洞:fill the holes in the system;这个搭配也经常被用到它的比喻意思,填补内心的空虚:fill the hole in one's life.
He used booze to fill the hole in his life.
The definition of sonder is the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own - populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and craziness.
Sonder 这个词的定义是意识到任意一个路人都过着和你一样鲜活且复杂的生活,充满了他们自己的雄心壮志、朋友、日常、担忧和疯狂。
passerby n. 路人
pass by 是「经过」的动词词组,-er 是个常见的表示人的后缀,所以 passerby 就是指经过的路人,拼写也可以拼成 passer-by;而且要注意复数的变化,不是 passerbys 而是 passersby,复数 s 加在 passer 的后面。
They stood there, giving out the leaflets to the passersby.