And if you're doing that during my speech right now, absolutely no hard feelings. I forgive you 'cause I'm on your time.
My West-African dad, however, was sitting up in the audience, watching me, seething.
He sent me a text from above, and he said, "Stop acting like a fool, and show some respect!"
And I was like, "How are you seeing me, Dad?" I'm like, we were so close, when I tell you.
So my dad was particularly upset that day, because up until that point, he was under the impression that I had spent the last four years majoring in political science.
And I had already disappointed him once in high school when I discovered after working at his Inglewood clinic, and interning at Killer King Hospital, that I didn't like to see people in pain, and I no longer wanted to be a doctor like he was.
我在高中时就已经让他失望过一次,在他位于英格伍德的诊所工作并在Killer King医院实习后,我发现我不喜欢看到人们痛苦,我也不想再像他一样成为医生。
But then he bounced back quickly, and he was like, "Oh, there's always law or business." And so I was like, "Okay, cool. I'll pursue law then."
And so instead, he learned that day, via the snitch ceremony pamphlets, I guess, that I had actually not majored in poli sci.
And after the ceremony, he yelled, "African-American studies? You may as well have majored in flowers!"
And I didn't understand why botany had to catch a stray like that, but he was quite pissed.
To my credit, I took all the courses to be able to declare, but when it came time to answer the simple question of why I wanted to major in political science, I could only think, "Because my dad wanted me to."

And so I didn't. I wanted to be a writer, I wanted to pursue film, TV, and at the time, theater.
And I wanted to tell our stories, but I was also too scared to pursue it as anything but a hobby, until Stanford, and the community I built here, changed that for me.
So now I'd like to revisit the song, "Wipe Me Down," that I was just telling you about, and deconstruct those influential bars that shaped my approach and worldview.
现在我想重温一下我刚才跟大家讲的那首歌《Wipe Me Down》,解构一下那些塑造了我的态度和世界观的有影响力的歌曲小节。
"What are those magical lyrics?" you ask. Well, I'll tell you. Foxx opens the first verse with these powerful two sentences.
"I pull up at the club, VIP, gas tank on E, but all drinks on me, wipe me down."
Mm-hmm, that is the kind of seasoned poetry I can get behind. Let me repeat that.
"I pull up at the club, VIP, gas tank on E, but all drinks on me, wipe me down."
When I use my Stanford education to break these lyrics down, I can't help but to think of my own journey, and what your journey will ultimately be.
Now, mind you, a lot of this will be a reach, but so were most of the papers I turned in here.
So, just bear with me. So, let's start with the first bar. "I pull up at the club, VIP."
Now here, imagine you're entering the club of life.
Over the years, I've learned how essential it's been for me to approach every opportunity as a VIP, as someone who belongs and deserves to be here.
That was a lesson I began to learn at Stanford.
From the moment I started my first class at this school, I started to question whether or not I truly deserved to be here.
I thought I was great at calculus, until I took Math 42 that first quarter, and my entire world collapsed.
And I was like, "Can I even add?" What the fuck was AP Calc for? Why did I do that?"
And then a couple of quarters in, I learned, like many of you did, I'm sure, "Oh, everybody feels like that here. And everybody worries that they don't deserve to be here."
And then I settled in and slowly started to create the spaces that made me comfortable on campus.
When I felt the drama department was a little too white to fit into, I was able to get the resources from Stanford to put on multicultural theatrical productions for all four years that I was here.
And, thank you. And my fellow classmates rallied to support my admittedly very bootleg productions by either being in the shows, helping me behind the scenes, and buying tickets to attend them.