1、京晶老师,上次的问题听到了解答谢谢!这次又有个翻译的问题,如果不看翻译,即使听懂了每个单词似乎也不知道这句话的意思:Did you just call Dad stupid without calling him stupid? 这句话的字幕是:你刚刚是不是委婉地说爸爸笨? 请问老师是这个意思吗?
(1). 当一个人在机构担任职务,如a professor of organization al behaviour at Harvard University,在这里使用了介词at,但在平时阅读时见过机构前使用in,of和to的情况,请问怎么区分这几个介词在此种情形下的用法?
(2). We decided it was time for some action and what better than to ride on a piece of history.这句中what better than的用法请帮忙解答。非常感谢!
(3). 京晶和Henry老师好,请教一个问题 ,在6月10号的老友记里有一句话 :You just go from guy to guy having fun and not worrying that it'd never turns into anything serious.这里不是应该是turn吗?为什么是turns呢?谢谢老师
Mike: But Rachel, I thought she just had a baby with Ross.
Phoebe: Yeah well, yeah you know, but Emma's birthcertificate might say Geller but her eyes say Mookurgee.
Mike: That is so wrong and on top of that he's a glue sniffer.
Phoebe: I know, but he calls and my heart goes to him. You know that bastard is one smooth-talking free-lance kite designer.
Mike: I just think there's somebody better out there for you. I mean I'm not saying me but, maybe me.
Phoebe: Oh.
Mike: And you don't have to worry about glue sniffing with me. Although I do smell the occasionalMagic Marker. Yeah ah anyway, I just, I think I can make you happy.
Phoebe: OK, I can't do this.
Mike: What's wrong?
Phoebe: Well there is no Vicrum,
Ross made him up because I really never have been in a long-term relationship. I've never lived with a guy. I've never even celebrated an anniversary,
so... you know, if that's too weird for you and you wanna leave I totally understand. In fact I'll close my eyes, make it less awkward. You kissed me.
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、That is so wrong and on top of that he's a glue sniffer.
2、There is no Vicrum.
3、I've never lived with a guy. I've never even celebrated an anniversary,
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、You don't strike me as the type of person that wants to get married anyway.
2、I'm sorry I didn't catch...
3、How do I look?