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来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I can't move my legs," the 26-year-old man told his younger brother, who towered above him as he lay sprawled on the floor.
  • 一名26岁男子对他弟弟说,“我的腿动不了了。”这名男子四肢他弟弟,他四肢平伸地躺在地上,他弟弟俯身看着他。
  • He'd been on his computer for hours, he explained, and when he tried to stand up, he couldn't.
  • 他解释说,数个小时以来他一直在用电脑,而当他试图站起来时,却发现自已站不起来了。
  • His legs looked normal, felt normal, yet they wouldn't move.
  • 他的腿看起来很正常,感觉也是正常的,但却无法动弹。
  • At first, he figured his legs must have fallen asleep.
  • 一开始,他想他的腿一定是麻了。
  • He pulled himself up, leaning on his desk, and slowly straightened until he was standing.
  • 他费力地起身,靠在桌子上,然后慢慢地站直身体。
  • He could feel the weight on his feet and knees. He let go of the desk and commanded his legs to move.
  • 他能感觉到脚和膝盖上的重量。之后,他放开桌子,让自已的腿动起来。
  • Instead, they buckled, and he landed on the floor with a thud.
  • 但是,他的腿却无法移动,导致他砰的一声倒在地上。
  • His brother awkwardly pulled him onto the bed.
  • 他弟弟艰难地将他拉到床上。
  • Then they waited. Surely this weird paralysis would disappear just as suddenly as it came.
  • 之后他们开始等待。这种奇怪的麻痹肯定会突然消失,就像它突然到来一样。
  • An hour passed, then two. I'm calling an ambulance, the younger brother announced finally.
  • 一个小时过去了,然后两个小时过去了。他弟弟终于表示,“我要叫救护车。”
  • Reluctantly, the elder agreed. He was embarrassed to be this helpless but worried enough to want help.
  • 这名男子很不情愿地同意了。他对自已这种无助的状态感到难堪,但他同时也非常担心,所以他需要帮助。
  • When the E.M.T.s arrived, they were as confused as the brothers.
  • 紧急医疗救护技术员(简称EMT)到达了现场,他们和兄弟俩一样感到困惑。
  • The medics asked what the young man had been up to. Nothing bad, he assured them.
  • 医护人员询问那名年轻人最近做了什么。他向医护人员保证,他没做不好的事情。
  • For the past few weeks he had been getting back into shape.
  • 过去几周,他一直在努力恢复身材。
  • He changed his diet, cut out the junk and was drinking a protein concoction that was supposed to help him build muscle.
  • 他改变了饮食习惯,减少了垃圾食品的摄入,饮用一种旨在帮助其锻炼肌肉的蛋白质混合物。
  • And he was working out hard every day. He'd lost more than 20 pounds, he added proudly.
  • 他每天都在努力锻炼。他还自豪地表示,他瘦了20多磅。
  • Hearing about this extreme diet and exercise regimen, the E.M.T.s told the man he was probably dehydrated.
  • 听到这种极端的饮食和运动计划后,急救人员告诉这名男子,他可能脱水了。
  • He needed fluids and some electrolytes.
  • 他需要液体和电解质。
  • A couple of bottles of Gatorade and he would very likely feel a lot better. And if he didn't, he could call again.
  • 喝几瓶佳得乐,会让他感觉好很多。如果情况没有好转,他可以再打急救电话。
  • With his brother's help, the man moved himself to a sitting position.
  • 这名男子在弟弟的帮助下坐了起来。
  • He drank some water and Gatorade and waited to start feeling better. He fell asleep, still waiting.
  • 他喝了些水还有佳得乐,等待情况好转。在等待的过程中,他睡着了。
  • By the following afternoon he was having trouble sitting upright.
  • 第二天下午时,他很难坐直身体。
  • He was drinking yet another Gatorade when he noticed that the bottle felt heavy.
  • 于是他又喝了一瓶佳得乐,这时他发现瓶子变得很重。
  • He realized with a start that the weakness had moved into his arms.
  • 他开始意识到自己的虚弱已经转移到手臂。
  • Call the ambulance, he told his brother. This can't be dehydration.
  • 他对他弟弟说,叫救护车。这不可能是脱水。
  • A new set of E.M.T.s agreed. They hoisted the weakened man onto a stretcher, fastened the straps tightly and headed down the stairs.
  • 这次来的紧急医疗救护技术员对此表示同意。他们将这名虚弱的男子抬上担架,扣紧固定带,之后走下楼梯。
  • The man felt himself pitch forward as the stretcher tilted down.
  • 当担架向下倾斜时,那名男子感觉自己在向前倾斜。
  • Was he going to fall? He imagined himself tumbling down the stairs like a sack of potatoes, completely unable to protect himself.
  • 他会摔倒吗?他想象自己像一袋土豆一样从楼梯上摔下来,完全无法保护自己。
  • The straps held him on the stretcher, but that feeling of helplessness terrified him.
  • 固定带将他固定在担架上,但那种无助的感觉令他感到害怕。


"I can't move my legs," the 26-year-old man told his younger brother, who towered above him as he lay sprawled on the floor. He'd been on his computer for hours, he explained, and when he tried to stand up, he couldn't. His legs looked normal, felt normal, yet they wouldn't move.

At first, he figured his legs must have fallen asleep. He pulled himself up, leaning on his desk, and slowly straightened until he was standing. He could feel the weight on his feet and knees. He let go of the desk and commanded his legs to move. Instead, they buckled, and he landed on the floor with a thud.
His brother awkwardly pulled him onto the bed. Then they waited. Surely this weird paralysis would disappear just as suddenly as it came. An hour passed, then two. I'm calling an ambulance, the younger brother announced finally. Reluctantly, the elder agreed. He was embarrassed to be this helpless but worried enough to want help.

腿部麻痹.jpgWhen the E.M.T.s arrived, they were as confused as the brothers. The medics asked what the young man had been up to. Nothing bad, he assured them. For the past few weeks he had been getting back into shape. He changed his diet, cut out the junk and was drinking a protein concoction that was supposed to help him build muscle. And he was working out hard every day. He'd lost more than 20 pounds, he added proudly.

Hearing about this extreme diet and exercise regimen, the E.M.T.s told the man he was probably dehydrated. He needed fluids and some electrolytes. A couple of bottles of Gatorade and he would very likely feel a lot better. And if he didn't, he could call again.
With his brother's help, the man moved himself to a sitting position. He drank some water and Gatorade and waited to start feeling better. He fell asleep, still waiting. By the following afternoon he was having trouble sitting upright. He was drinking yet another Gatorade when he noticed that the bottle felt heavy. He realized with a start that the weakness had moved into his arms. Call the ambulance, he told his brother. This can't be dehydration.
A new set of E.M.T.s agreed. They hoisted the weakened man onto a stretcher, fastened the straps tightly and headed down the stairs. The man felt himself pitch forward as the stretcher tilted down. Was he going to fall? He imagined himself tumbling down the stairs like a sack of potatoes, completely unable to protect himself. The straps held him on the stretcher, but that feeling of helplessness terrified him.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
paralysis [pə'rælisis]


n. 瘫痪

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu



adj. 倾斜的,翘起的 v. 使倾斜(tilt的过去分

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

protein ['prəuti:n]


n. 蛋白质

dehydration [.di:hai'dreiʃən]


n. 脱水





