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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A pity he stopped at three, thought Tyrion.
  • 可惜,他才杀三个就住了手,提利昂心想。
  • "Ser Loras is likely making for Bitterbridge," Varys went on.
  • “洛拉斯爵士应是往苦桥去了,”瓦里斯续道,
  • "His sister is there, Renly's queen, as well as a great many soldiers who suddenly find themselves kingless.
  • “他的妹妹——蓝礼的王后——还留在那里。现在的情况是,留在当地的众多士兵突然失去了国王,不知何去何从。
  • Which side will they take now? A ticklish question.
  • 而这些小卒该怎么走?他们自己也不明白。”
  • Many serve the lords who remained at Storm's End, and those lords now belong to Stannis."
  • 他们所侍奉的领主有不少在风息堡投靠了史坦尼斯。
  • Tyrion leaned forward.
  • 提利昂倾身向前,
  • "There is a chance here, it seems to me.
  • “依我看,这正是我们的机会。
  • Win Loras Tyrell to our cause and Lord Mace Tyrell and his bannermen might join us as well.
  • 只需把洛拉斯·提利尔争取过来,就有机会吸纳梅斯·提利尔和高庭的势力。
  • They may have sworn their swords to Stannis for the moment, yet they cannot love the man, or they would have been his from the start."
  • 他们或许暂时倾向史坦尼斯,但不可能喜欢那个人,否则从一开始就追随他了。”
  • "Is their love for us any greater?" asked Cersei.
  • “难道他们比较喜欢我们?”瑟曦反问。
  • "Scarcely," said Tyrion.
  • “不大可能,”提利昂说,
  • "They loved Renly, clearly, but Renly is slain.
  • “很明显,他们爱戴的是蓝礼。
  • Perhaps we can give them good and sufficient reasons to prefer Joffrey to Stannis... if we move quickly."
  • 但蓝礼已死,或许我们能提供一些充分的证据,来显示乔佛里和史坦尼斯之间的区别……而且要赶快。”
  • "What sort of reasons do you mean to give them?"
  • “你打算提供什么证据?”
  • "Gold reasons," Littlefinger suggested at once.
  • “金钱证据,”小指头立即提议。
  • Varys made a tsking sound.
  • 瓦里斯啧啧两声,
  • "Sweet Petyr, surely you do not mean to suggest that these puissant lords and noble knights could be bought like so many chickens in the market."
  • “亲爱的培提尔,你不会以为这些强大的诸侯和高贵的骑士能像市场里的鸡那样随意买卖吧。
  • "Have you been to our markets of late, Lord Varys?" asked Littlefinger.
  • “你最近上市场吗,瓦里斯大人?”小指头问,
  • "You'd find it easier to buy a lord than a chicken, I daresay.
  • “我敢说,买个诸侯绝对比买只鸡容易。
  • Of course, lords cluck prouder than chickens, and take it ill if you offer them coin like a tradesman,
  • 当然了,诸侯的叫声比鸡高傲,而且你要是像商人一样直接标价做买卖,他们会很反感,
  • but they are seldom adverse to taking gifts... honors, lands, castles..."
  • 但对于到手的礼物……以及荣誉,土地,城堡等等……他们可是却之不恭。”
  • "Bribes might sway some of the lesser lords," Tyrion said, "but never Highgarden."
  • “贿赂或能动摇部分小诸侯,”提利昂道,“但不可能买下整个高庭。”
  • "True," Littlefinger admitted.
  • “没错,”小指头承认。
  • "The Knight of Flowers is the key there.
  • “关键是百花骑士。
  • Mace Tyrell has two older sons, but Loras has always been his favorite.
  • 梅斯·提利尔有三个儿子,而幼子洛拉斯是他的最爱。
  • Win him, and Highgarden will be yours."
  • 把他争取过来,高庭的力量就是你的。”


A pity he stopped at three, thought Tyrion.


"Ser Loras is likely making for Bitterbridge," Varys went on.


"His sister is there, Renly's queen, as well as a great many soldiers who suddenly find themselves kingless.


Which side will they take now? A ticklish question.



Many serve the lords who remained at Storm's End, and those lords now belong to Stannis."


Tyrion leaned forward.


"There is a chance here, it seems to me.


Win Loras Tyrell to our cause and Lord Mace Tyrell and his bannermen might join us as well.


They may have sworn their swords to Stannis for the moment, yet they cannot love the man, or they would have been his from the start."


"Is their love for us any greater?" asked Cersei.


"Scarcely," said Tyrion.


"They loved Renly, clearly, but Renly is slain.


Perhaps we can give them good and sufficient reasons to prefer Joffrey to Stannis... if we move quickly."


"What sort of reasons do you mean to give them?"


"Gold reasons," Littlefinger suggested at once.


Varys made a tsking sound.


"Sweet Petyr, surely you do not mean to suggest that these puissant lords and noble knights could be bought like so many chickens in the market."


"Have you been to our markets of late, Lord Varys?" asked Littlefinger.


"You'd find it easier to buy a lord than a chicken, I daresay.


Of course, lords cluck prouder than chickens, and take it ill if you offer them coin like a tradesman,


but they are seldom adverse to taking gifts... honors, lands, castles..."


"Bribes might sway some of the lesser lords," Tyrion said, "but never Highgarden."


"True," Littlefinger admitted.


"The Knight of Flowers is the key there.


Mace Tyrell has two older sons, but Loras has always been his favorite.


Win him, and Highgarden will be yours."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mace [meis]


n. 钉头槌,狼牙棒 n. 权标,执权标者 vt. 向

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

adverse ['ædvə:s]


adj. 不利的

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

sway [swei]


v. 摇摆,摇动,支配,影响
n. 摇摆,动摇

ticklish ['tikliʃ]


adj. 难对付的,易怒的,怕痒的





