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经济学人:一周要闻 脸书面临反垄断诉讼

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  • The world this week
  • 本周国际要闻
  • Business
  • 经济
  • America's competition regulator filed an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook,
  • 美国竞争监管机构对Facebook提起反垄断诉讼,
  • alleging that it bought WhatsApp and Instagram, two social-media rivals, to suppress competition.
  • 称其收购WhatsApp和Instagram这两家社交媒体竞争对手,以抑制竞争。
  • Separately, a coalition of 46 American states, led by New York, launched a similar lawsuit against the company.
  • 另外,一个由美国46个州组成的联盟,以纽约州为首,对该公司发起了类似的诉讼。
  • Facebook argues that the legal actions are an attempt to revise history,
  • Facebook辩称,这些法律诉讼是试图修改历史,
  • as the takeovers were scrutinised and approved by regulators at the time.
  • 因为当时这些收购已经得到监管机构的审查和批准。
  • Uber decided to sell its autonomous-vehicles subsidiary to Aurora, a startup that counts Amazon among its backers.
  • 优步决定将其自动驾驶汽车子公司出售给Aurora,这家初创公司的支持者包括亚马逊。
  • Uber spent billions on self-driving cars, which it can no longer afford as the pandemic eats into its ride-hailing business
  • 优步在自动驾驶汽车上花费了数十亿美元,但由于疫情侵蚀了其叫车业务,优步再也负担不起自动驾驶汽车了
  • (it is also selling its flying-car division, Uber Elevate, to a separate startup).
  • (优步还将其飞行汽车部门Uber Elevate出售给了一家独立的初创公司)。
  • The project unnerved investors in 2018 when one of its cars killed a woman in Arizona, the first fatal collision involving an autonomous car and a pedestrian.
  • 2018年,该项目的一辆汽车在亚利桑那州撞死了一名女性,这是首次自动驾驶汽车与行人发生致死的碰撞事故,该事故令投资者感到不安。
  • Uber is not getting out of the business entirely. It will take a stake in Aurora and may eventually integrate the technology with its platform.
  • 优步并没有完全退出这个行业。它将持有Aurora的股份,并可能最终将该技术与自己的平台整合在一起。
  • The first commercial flight of a Boeing 737 MAX took place, 20 months after the fleet was grounded worldwide following two fatal crashes.
  • 20个月前,波音737 MAX因两起致命事故在全球范围内停飞。如今,该机型首次进行商业飞行。
  • Gol airline flew passengers from Sao Paulo to Porto Alegre after its pilots completed training to fly the revamped jet,
  • 在飞行员完成这架改装喷气式飞机的驾驶训练后,Gol航空公司的旅客乘机圣保罗飞往阿雷格里港,
  • which has been certified as safe in Brazil and the United States.
  • 改装后的飞机经过了巴西和美国安全认证。
  • Meanwhile, Boeing delivered its first 737 max aircraft since the ban was lifted, to United Airlines,
  • 与此同时,波音向美联航交付了自禁令解除以来的首架737 max飞机,
  • which will test the plane before entering it into service.
  • 后者将在飞机投入使用前对其进行测试。
  • Huge investor appetite for the stockmarket debut of DoorDash, America's leading meal-delivery app,
  • 美国领先的送餐应用DoorDash上市首日,投资者的巨大胃口
  • pushed its share price up by 86% on the first day of trading, valuing it at $60bn.
  • 推动其股价在首日交易中上涨86%,使其市值达到600亿美元。
  • DoorDash raised $3.4bn from its IPO.
  • DoorDash通过首次公开募股融资34亿美元。
  • Facing similar demand for its ipo, Airbnb priced its shares above the target range it had set out to investors, as it prepared to float on the Nasdaq exchange.
  • 面临类似的股票发行需求,Airbnb在准备在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市时,将股价定在高于向投资者设定的目标区间的水平。


The world this week




Americas competition regulator filed an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook, alleging that it bought WhatsApp and Instagram, two social-media rivals, to suppress competition. Separately, a coalition of 46 American states, led by New York, launched a similar lawsuit against the company. Facebook argues that the legal actions are an attempt to revise history, as the takeovers were scrutinised and approved by regulators at the time.



Uber decided to sell its autonomous-vehicles subsidiary to Aurora, a startup that counts Amazon among its backers. Uber spent billions on self-driving cars, which it can no longer afford as the pandemic eats into its ride-hailing business (it is also selling its flying-car division, Uber Elevate, to a separate startup). The project unnerved investors in 2018 when one of its cars killed a woman in Arizona, the first fatal collision involving an autonomous car and a pedestrian. Uber is not getting out of the business entirely. It will take a stake in Aurora and may eventually integrate the technology with its platform.

优步决定将其自动驾驶汽车子公司出售给Aurora,这家初创公司的支持者包括亚马逊。优步在自动驾驶汽车上花费了数十亿美元,但由于疫情侵蚀了其叫车业务,优步再也负担不起自动驾驶汽车了(优步还将其飞行汽车部门Uber Elevate出售给了一家独立的初创公司)。2018年,该项目的一辆汽车在亚利桑那州撞死了一名女性,这是首次自动驾驶汽车与行人发生致死的碰撞事故,该事故令投资者感到不安。优步并没有完全退出这个行业。它将持有Aurora的股份,并可能最终将该技术与自己的平台整合在一起。

Back in the sky


The first commercial flight of a Boeing 737 MAX took place, 20 months after the fleet was grounded worldwide following two fatal crashes. Gol airline flew passengers from Sao Paulo to Porto Alegre after its pilots completed training to fly the revamped jet, which has been certified as safe in Brazil and the United States. Meanwhile, Boeing delivered its first 737 max aircraft since the ban was lifted, to United Airlines, which will test the plane before entering it into service.

20个月前,波音737 MAX因两起致命事故在全球范围内停飞。如今,该机型首次进行商业飞行。在飞行员完成这架改装喷气式飞机的驾驶训练后,Gol航空公司的旅客乘机圣保罗飞往阿雷格里港,改装后的飞机经过了巴西和美国安全认证。与此同时,波音向美联航交付了自禁令解除以来的首架737 max飞机,后者将在飞机投入使用前对其进行测试。

Huge investor appetite for the stockmarket debut of DoorDash, Americas leading meal-delivery app, pushed its share price up by 86% on the first day of trading, valuing it at $60bn. DoorDash raised $3.4bn from its IPO. Facing similar demand for its ipo, Airbnb priced its shares above the target range it had set out to investors, as it prepared to float on the Nasdaq exchange.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

aircraft ['ɛəkrɑ:ft]


n. 飞机

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

suppress [sə'pres]


vt. 镇压,使 ... 止住,禁止

pedestrian [pi'destriən]


adj. 徒步的,缺乏想像的
n. 行人

lawsuit ['lɔ:sju:t]


n. 诉讼,控诉

investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的





