First things first. Congratulations to all of you in the Class of 2020 on your great achievement.
This is not how any of you imagined your graduation ceremony would take place as you began your senior year last fall.
The one bit of good news is that you don't have to sit in the hot sun for two hours listening to speeches.
Typically, a graduation speaker is expected to share some advice on how to succeed in life.
My only words along those lines come from two great women.
First, from opera star Beverly Sills who said, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."
And actress Katharine Hepburn who wrote, "Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself,
you had bloody well find some way that it's going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around wondering about yourself."
With that point, as you graduate, I encourage you to discover for yourself what it is that drives you.
What path ahead engages your head, and your heart, and your passion, and then pursue it with all your energy and commitment.
But I also want to ask you to consider one path in particular taking an active role in the life of your community and our country
by committing yourself to spending at least part of your life in public service, serving others.
Because the truth is, we really need you. As you graduate, the question you must ask yourself is how will your life be changed?
Not just how you will cope with the disruption of your plans and unexpected hardships, but also what you decide to do with your life in a new and more challenging world.
In recent weeks, you have looked into the heart of America through a new window. You have seen indescribable sadness, and loss, and fear.
But you also have seen everyday heroes, perhaps previously invisible to you.
Among first responders, doctors and nurses, truckers and grocery workers, custodians and scientists,
all striving in the face of danger to themselves to help get us through this plague.
Through that new window, you have seen communities rally to help those in need. You have seen countless acts of courage, kindness, and generosity.
So as you consider your future, have you thought about being one of those on the other side of that window? Being one of those who are serving others.
Nearly 60 years ago, like many in my generation, I was inspired by President Kennedy when he said,
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."