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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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You see a lot of close finishes in the sprints.


100m, 200m, the hurdles, it's in the nature of sprinting that victory is won by tiny margins.

100米、200米、跨栏 短跑的本质就是以微弱的优势获胜

Fans love it. Kids these days, always on their phones.

粉丝们喜欢这一点 现在的孩子 经常玩手机

Hm, what? For sprinters, microseconds are their business, their currency.

嗯,什么?对短跑运动员来说 微秒就是他们所关注的东西 就是他们的货币

For them, one tenth of a second in the 100m final is an eternity.

对他们来说 100米决赛的十分之一秒就是一个世纪

It's all a matter of proportion. You don't see many dead-heats in the marathon.

这与比例有关 在马拉松比赛中 你不会看到胜负难分的局面

But there was one long-distance race, lasting two hours, which really did come down to the wire.

那是一场持续两个小时的长跑 最终总会揭晓结果

As you'll see, we're talking close, really close.

正如你所看到的 我们谈论的是接近 非常接近

The triathlon has quickly become one of the iconic events of the summer Games following its introduction in 2000.

自2000年引进后 铁人三项很快成为夏季奥运会的标志性项目

It comes in three sections. The swimming. The cycling. And the run.

它由三部分组成 游泳 自行车 和长跑

To spice it up, it has awkward little transition sections where so often the race is won or lost.

为增加它的挑战性 运动员换项所用的时间至关重要 常常决定了比赛胜负

It's an event virtually designed to smash the field, to scatter the competitors into one thin line of athletic torment.

这个项目的设计是对运动场的分割 将竞技者分散成小部分的运动煎熬

The previous Olympic Women's event was won by well over a minute.


No photo required. The Women's Triathlon at London 2012 was different.

不需要拍照 2012年伦敦奥运会的女子铁人三项与众不同

Here are the two athletes to look out for.


Lisa Norden of Sweden and Nicola Spirig of Switzerland.

来自瑞典的丽莎·诺登 和来自瑞士的尼古拉·斯皮里希

You can barely see them in the swimming section because neither of them counts it as their best discipline.

在游泳区几乎看不到她们 因为这不是两人的强项

There are some very good swimmers in here, as we say, look out for Great Britain's Lucy Hall, who's wearing 8.

这里有一些优秀的游泳选手值得关注 身着8号运动服的英国运动员露西·霍尔

She will more than likely take Vicky Holland with her.


Lucy Hall of Great Britain emerged from the water with a handsome lead.

英国的露西·霍尔露出水面 遥遥领先

Spoiler alert - Hall would finish 33rd. It's a cruel sport.

剧透一下 霍尔将是第33个完成比赛的人 这是项残酷的运动

The split times tell us that Norden and Spirig complete the swimming events in exactly the same time.

分段时间告诉我们 诺登和斯皮里希几乎同时完成了游泳比赛

The Swiss Spirig considers the cycling her top event.


She's awesome on the bike, quickly making up time lost on the swim.

她很擅长骑自行车 很快把在游泳上落后的时间追了回来

But Norden is having a good race, she feels strong, matching Spirig in her strongest discipline.

但诺顿在比赛中表现得很好 她感觉很强壮 在她的最强项方面与斯皮里希不相上下

Well, here they come back towards transition.


Here comes Nicola Spirig. It comes down to the run.

尼古拉·斯皮里希来了 到长跑项目了

The final 10K of an Olympic triathlon is a thing of wonder, athletes pushing themselves to the limit, with unbelievable reserves of energy and determination.

奥运会铁人三项的10公里跑决赛充满着奇迹 运动员将自己逼向极端 带着难以置信的体能储备和坚定决心

Spirig has both, and puts herself in prime position for the final section.

斯皮里希两者兼备 她在决赛中把自己调整至最佳位置

She is flying. And looking at some of the runners in that field, the likes of Nicola Spirig, this could literally come down to a sprint finish for the three medals.

她像飞一样 看看在场的其他选手 像尼古拉·斯皮里希一样的人们 这可能让她向终点冲刺 并获得三枚奖牌

She holds off the Australian, Erin Densham.



But, try as she might, she cannot not shake off her Swedish rival. Lisa Norden, is this going to be her day?

但尽管她尝试过了 却无法撼动她的瑞典对手 丽莎·诺登 今天是她的辉煌日吗?

Here they come. It is a sprint finish. It's all come down to this.

终点冲刺的时候到了 到了关键时刻

Two hours of racing, Nicola Spirig and Lisa Norden, it would appear.

尼古拉·斯皮里希和丽莎·诺登经过两小时的比赛 结果即将揭晓

The Australian has gone. Spirig, look...look for the Norwegian, the big, long strides of hers, and she's eating into the Swiss.

那位澳大利亚选手已被淘汰 斯皮里希 看看这位挪威人 她跑的飞快 正要追赶上这名瑞士运动员

Look at this, nothing between them as they go into the tape.

撞线时 她们之间毫无差距

Dead heat. Densham bronze, while Spirig and Norden have to wait for the judges to examine photographic evidence.

胜负难分 登沙姆获得铜牌 斯皮里希和诺登不得不等待裁判查看录像记录

Even now it's hard to judge. Eventually, a decision is made, the same time for Spirig and Norden.

但仍很难判评 最终 他们作出了决定 斯皮里希和诺登同时撞线

The same time to within one-hundredth of a second but Nicola Spirig wins, by a whisker.

0.01秒的微小差异 但尼古拉·斯皮里希以非常微弱的优势夺得金牌

It hasn't sunk in yet, it's... I don't think I really realise that I'm Olympic Champion now but it's amazing, it's just amazing.

我到现在都还没定下神儿 我不敢相信我是奥运冠军了 但真的太棒了 太棒了

It's been a lot of ups and downs, and this is amazing.

经历了很多跌宕起伏 真的太棒了

I had so many injuries leading up to this and I never thought I'd get it together and running in the last ten laps, I felt amazing

这一路上我受了很多伤 我从来没想过自己能走到这一步 跑完最后10圈 我感觉棒极了

and I realised I could probably get a medal and actually up until the last couple of metres... It's really amazing.

我意识到自己可能拿到金牌 直到最后几米时 真的太棒了

The photo suggests victory by the tiniest of margins, maybe two centimetres, to be generous.

录像显示她以非常微弱的优势获胜 具体来说 可能是2厘米

That's over a race that's 51.5 million centimetres long.


You've already worked that out as a percentage, right?

你可能已经算到了百分比 对吧

So, if, say, this was a 100m sprint it's the equivalent of winning by a margin so slim it's almost beyond human detection.

所以 如果这是一场100米的短跑比赛 这种微弱的获胜优势几乎超出了人类的可测范围

38.8 micrometres, to be precise.

精确的说 是38.8毫米

The diameter of a typical human hair is about 50 micrometres, less than a hair's breadth!

人的头发的直径通常大约是50毫米 它比人的头发直径还小

You could watch 1,000 triathlons, 1,000 races and never see a finish as close as that.

你可能观看过1000场铁人三项比赛 1000场赛跑 但从未见过如此接近的成绩

重点单词   查看全部解释    
alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

scatter ['skætə]


n. 散布,零星少量
vt. 驱散,散播

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

torment ['tɔ:ment,tɔ:'ment]


n. 苦痛,拷问
v. 使苦恼,拷问

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

equivalent [i'kwivələnt]


adj. 等价的,相等的
n. 相等物

diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径

determination [di.tə:mi'neiʃən]


n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位

detection [di'tekʃən]


n. 察觉,发觉,侦查,探测

champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫







