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The ancient sport of archery has a fractured Olympic history. It was included in the Olympics of 1900.

射箭作为古代体育项目在奥林匹克历史上是断裂的 它在1900年被列为奥运项目

It was also one of the first sports that women were allowed to take part in.


In 1908, Queenie Newall was an icon of archery. She cleaned up at the London Olympics.

在1908年 奎尼纽威尔成为了射箭比赛的代言人 她包揽了伦敦奥运会此项目所有的金牌

But after 1920, there was nothing. There were too many different rules.

但是1920年之后 比赛的规则变动很大

Each country had their own ideas on how far the target should be, or how many arrows someone should use.

关于靶子应该放在什么位置 或者运动员应该使用多少支箭 每个参赛国家都有他们的想法

It was dropped entirely from the Olympic programme. It wasn't until 1972 that archery was back at the Olympics.

最后奥林匹克把这个项目给放弃了 直到1972年射箭才再一次被列入奥运比赛项目名单

But with one key element missing - South Korea. Korea had a rich history of archery.

但是有一个关键要素——韩国 韩国的射箭历史悠久

The Chinese used to refer to them as Dongyi-jok, which means eastern tribe with large bows.

中国将他们称之为东夷族 意思为拥有大弓的东部部落

Their version of the sport was not in line with the modern form of archery.


That changed in the 1970s when student Kim Jin-ho won the country's first World Championship medal.

在上世纪70年代 当金珍浩获得他们国家的第一枚金牌之后

It transformed the popularity of the sport in Korea. Suddenly, more people than ever wanted to be involved in archery.

这一切发生了改变 突然之间想要参与射箭运动的人比以往多了很多

By 1984, the women's archery team was starting to resemble the form we know today. They took home their first individual Olympic gold.

到1984年 女子射箭队开始慢慢演变成了现在的样子 他们把第一块个人奥运金牌带回了家

In 1988, the team event was added to the Olympics alongside the individual competition.

1988年 此项目在个人赛基础上增添了团队比赛

That year, competing in their home games, the Korea women took home both golds.

那一年 韩国女子射箭队在他们国家的主场赢得了所有的金牌

In 1992, two more. 1996? Yep, two more golds for Korea. In 2000, it wasn't even a contest. Another two golds.

在1992 又增添两枚金牌 1996年 是的 韩国又夺得了两枚金牌 2000年 几乎不像是一个比赛了 又是两枚金牌

By 2004, if there were any doubts about just how dominant Korea were, they came to a head in a final that China thought they had won,

到了2004年 毋庸置疑地 韩国是否仍旧占据了此项目的主导地位呢 在比赛最关键的时刻 中国队觉得他们会取得胜利

only for Park Sung-hyun to hit a perfect ten with the last arrow and win the match by a point.

朴成贤在最后一箭射出了完美的十环并且赢得了比赛 两队仅仅相差一分

Two more gold medals. How do they do it? Well, in Korea, they take archery very seriously.

韩国队再一次赢得两枚金牌 他们是怎么做到的呢 在韩国 射箭运动很受重视


It's not just that Korean children start learning archery earlier than most countries,

在韩国 人们会把孩子都送去学习射箭 比很多国家学习射箭的年龄都早

or that they sign for professional companies where their only job is to play archery all day,

甚至他们会和专业射箭公司签约 在这些公司他们唯一的工作就是射箭

but they also have some of the most amazing ways to train in the world.


A lot of archery comes down to how you deal with pressure. When the crowd is baying down on you, how do you cope?

射箭比赛归根结底就是如何处理压力 当观众席传来嘈杂的欢呼声 你要如何去应对它

For the 2008 Olympics, they went as far as replicating the stadium archery was being held in, with crowd noises supplied by a boom box.

为了2008年的奥运会 他们复制模拟了奥运比赛场馆 放置了发出人群声的音响

Before 2000 and 2004, they trained before a baseball stadium with a full crowd willing them on.

在2000年和2004年的奥运会之前 他们每次在棒球场馆里训练时 观众台都座无虚席

But sometimes their coaches take things even further.


When gold medallist Cho Youn-Jeong was asked how she kept her nerves calm, she told reporters she used to go for a long walk at night through a cemetery.

当世界冠军赵允顶 被问到是如何保持冷静地比赛时 她告诉记者 她经常晚上在墓地散步

Kim Kyung-wook was told by her trainer to pick up a live snake and lightly bite it.

赵允顶的训练员要她去抓活的蛇 然后轻轻地咬它

If it's scary, Korean trainers have probably already used it as a method to keep their women focused.

如果这是危险的 韩国教练员将会把它们作为提高女运动员集中注意力的方法

All that training is necessary, the pressure can get to you. Ah. Gosh. It's harder than it looks. Oops.

所有的训练都是必须完成的 有压力才会有动力 哦 天呐 这比看起来难多了 哎哟

In Beijing, for the first time since 1980, a non-Korean won the individual gold in a major upset.

在北京 这是自1980年来第一次个人赛金牌没有被韩国人摘得 简直是大冷门

There wouldn't be an upset in the team event. That meant that Korean women had taken home every gold team archery medal ever.

不过在团队在中韩国人的发挥并没有被扰乱 这也就意味着 韩国女子代表团将每一块团队金牌都带回了家

2012, and once again, they were in the final, and against a Chinese side that had lost out in the last two Olympics, desperate for revenge.

2012年 历史再一次上演 韩国队在最后又输给了中国队员 至此韩国队已经失去了两块奥运金牌 韩国队渴望着雪耻

At the halfway point, the teams were level. Then a lucky break for Korea - a close call on a nine gets marked up to a ten. Korea take the lead.

在比赛中两队表现得都很冷静 然而幸运之神站在了韩国队这边 在九环边缘的一次成绩被记作了十环 韩国队领先了

The final end approaches. China have a great round - all nines. It's all down to the three athletes on the field now.

在最后几支箭发射中 中国队都是9环 场上的三名队员都完成了发射

Thousands of people watching in the stadium. 50 million people in Korea expecting you to win.

现场有成千上万的观众 5000万韩国人在期待你取得胜利

Choi Hyeonju falters - an eight. It all comes down to this last arrow. Six gold-medal winning teams before.

崔玄珠犹豫了,八环 胜负就在这最后一箭了 这是取得过6枚金牌的队伍

Get another eight and it will be deadlocked. Less and it will be a disaster.

如果又是八环 那比赛将会陷入僵局 如果少于八环那么将会输掉比赛

The final arrow of their Olympics, four years working towards this moment. Hit - it's gold and glory.

这是她们奥运生涯的最后一箭 四年的努力就体现在这一刻了 命中-就是金牌和荣誉

Miss - the first team not to bring back gold. But Korea train for just these moments.

失败-那么她们将是第一支失去奥运团队赛金牌的韩国队伍 但是韩国队训练的成效在这一刻体现出来了

Seven golds from seven games and the domination goes on. And all that training proves its worth once again.

七场比赛获得7块金牌 韩国队在射箭项目的统治地位还在继续 所有的训练再一次证明了它的价值

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

element ['elimənt]


n. 元素,成分,组成部分,(复数)恶劣天气

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会

resemble [ri'zembl]


vt. 相似,类似,像

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取







