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第160期 吃着月饼听"甜言蜜语"吧!

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Hi, everyone and welcome back. With the Mid-autumn Festival and the long holiday week just around the corner. First of all, let me wish you all a great time. Hopefully you get to reunite with your friends, family and loved ones.

Now we all know the signature food for Mid-autumn Festival is mooncake, which is a very sweet treat. And incidentally, some of the most popular happy hour episodes we've ever done were about desserts and sweet treats.

So just before this special festival, I thought it would be great for us to actually talk about sugar and sweet. Now everyone knows sugar is an important topic. To talk about our body, we talked about blood glucose. If you're into fitness and health, I'm sure you have seen the discussion of GI of different food groups. GI stands for Glycemic Index. It is basically a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels.

So if we say some food has high GI, it means once we eat it, our blood glucose level will shoot up. But with all the fitness experts telling you how you should stay away from sugar, have you ever wondered, why do we crave sugarWhy do a lot of people like sweet things

Actually the craving for sugar is hard wired into us. In the olden days, when human beings were living in the forest, sweetness was an indication that a particular thing was safe to eat. We knew fruits were safe because they were sweet.

So the brain developed a reward pathway that made eating sweet foods pleasurable. And then of course, there is a biological imperative of why we crave things like sugar and fat. They give us quick energy. When we were evolving as a species, this was a great thing. Our brains are biologically programmed to seek out sweets. This is also why eating sweet things can trigger our brain to feel certain level of pleasure and excitement. So let's look at sugar itself, which is a necessity in any household.

But there are so many different types of sugar. Apart from white sugar, you also have brown sugar and black sugar. Sometimes people would translate the Chinese into brown sugar, but they're actually different.

So in English it's more accurate to describe the Chinese Hong Tang as dark brown sugar or black sugar. And then there's something we like to use in our cooking, crystal sugar. Now as people are trying to stay away from the actual sugar, some people would also use sweetener.

So this would be something that gives the food sweet taste without being sugar. Remember I said we get excitement by eating sugar. This is sometimes described as a sugar rush.

This is an experience of high energy after eating or drinking a considerable amount of sugar in a short period of time. And this is often associated with hyper active children. If you watch English speaking TV shows you will notice that parents try not to let their kids eat any sweets especially during the evening because they might get that sugar rush and become hyper active and difficult to handle.

But after sugar rush, usually there will be a sugar crash. Basically, after the initial excitement, your moods and energy level will then go down. That is called sugar crash. Because sugar is such a common word, you can see many expressions in English with sugar. When we take some tablets you will notice that there is a sugar coat.

So if we say to sugar coat something, that means we're trying to make something negative, sound less negative. For example, you can say there's no need for you to sugar coat the truth. Just tell me the truth. No matter how bad it is, you don't have to put a sugar coat over it. There's no need for you to sugar coat the truth.

And some of you might have heard of the expression. Sugar Daddy, this is usually a rich old man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favors. Sugar Daddy, Sugar Mama. When someone says to you, give me some sugar, they're not really asking you to pass the sugar. What they're asking is a little kiss. This is not necessarily something romantic or sexual.

For example, parents can say to their kids give me some sugar, sometimes with kids or people who are very close, they might ask for a favor by saying, pretty please with sugar on top.

Pretty please with sugar on top. You put the sugar on top to make your request even sweeter. From sugar, let's move on to sweet. There's so many expressions with sweet.

When people go to bed, we say sweet dreams. When someone likes dessert, we say they have a sweet tooth. After a long trip, you go back home. You might cry out. Home sweet home. Home sweet home.

But then again, sweet is not always super positive. For example, sweet talk. But it's often quite negative. It usually refers to someone using sweet words and try to persuade you to do something. But they don't really mean it. For instance, she sweet talked them into buying the product. Think about people who are selling cosmetics and clothes. If they say this looks so great on you, this looks gorgeous on you. They might just be sweet talking you.

Another similar expression sweet nothing. But this is different. Because sweet nothing is actually quite sweet. When you're in love, you can spend a whole day just looking into each other's eyes and saying all these sweet things that don't really have a lot of meaning. And that would be sweet nothing. For example, he whispers sweet nothings in her ear. And don't be embarrassed when we're madly in love. We have all said sweet nothings.

But then sweet is not just about lovers, family, people who are very close. You can also use sweet in this is business and professional world. For instance, you can say a sweet deal. This is a deal that is very good value for money. You can say there's a really sweet deal going on in that shop. Don't miss it.

Another quite interesting expression is the sweet spot. Sweet spot was originally a sports term. For example, in baseball, the sweet spot refers to the part of the bat where the player is supposed to hit the ball with in order to be most effective, sweet spot. But now in spoken English, we use the expression, the sweet spot to talk about the best position or the best situation that can lead to the best result. For example, in business, you can say it's important to find that strategic sweet spot.

Now in all the flavors, sweet is probably one of people's favorites. But when we pair it up with other flavors, we'll see some interesting concepts. For example, sweet and sour. One of the most popular Chinese dishes outside of China might just be sweet and sour ribs. Sweet and sour ribs. Obviously you can sweet and sour pretty much everything.

If you add bitter to sweet, you get bitter sweet. This is a complex feeling a mixture of sweetness and perhaps sadness of enjoyment and loss. Many would describe their love story as bitter sweet. And then lets wrap up was a couple of longer expressions for people who like winning, they might enjoy the sweet smell of victory. Don't you just love the sweet smell of victory

And to describe you're really, really excited and happy about certain situation. You can describe yourself as a child in a sweet shop. For instance, I felt like a child in a sweet shop. Well finish off with a very famous sweet quote from Shakespeare himself. In his masterpiece Romeo and Juliet. He famously wroteWhat's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell a sweet.”

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

In the end, I just want to say I know a lot of people try to cut down the sugar and see sugar as the biggest enemy to health and fitness and waistline. But sugar is actually vital for your brain health, choosing the right type and right amount of sugar can be good for you. And once in a while, live a little, because we all need that little bit of sweet treat to make our lives more pleasurable.

Happy holidays. I'll see you next time. Bye.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

craving ['kreiviŋ]


n. 渴望,热望 动词crave的现在分词

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

carbohydrate ['kɑ:bəu'haidreit]


n. 碳水化合物,醣

imperative [im'perətiv]


n. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气
adj. 命

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的





