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第159期 那些神神秘秘的组织真的操控了世界吗?

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Welcome back to Geek Time advanced, this is Brad.

Hi Brad.

We're gonna be continuing on with the conspiracy theories. We're going to talk about some secret societies.

Oh, secret societies. I know a few, like the Illuminati where you mentioned before.


And there're something in a university, I think it's Yale?

That's the Skull and Bones.

Sounds really scary. What do they do? It almost like, you know, hearing a name of it and you start to think about supernatural you start to think about all these like horror films. It's not that though, it's not like a witchcraft.

From what we know probably not, like if you look at the Skull and Bones, they're basically a group of people that are pretty much in control of politics, right? If we look at like a lot of people that were presidents and things like that or other people in politics, a lot of them have connections to groups like this.

So it's more like an elite group.

Right! George Bush and George Bush Junior, of course, were both in there, and I can't remember who else, but yeah, there's a lot of like really famous people, or not really famous but really famous politicians who are in these groups.

It seems like a lot of these secret societies, people tend to believe that they are formed by a group of people who are in control of everything, with most of the social economic resources.

Well, you know, if you look at the different groups like there is the Illuminati, and they actually their goal was to kind of get in control, right? They wanted to, but like the government at the time, I think it was the King of the time he put an end to that.

And so we don't know if he actually put an end to the group or if the group continued on just without saying, right? Because they were in the open at the beginning. But then once the King said no more of this, they just went into hiding.

And so who knows if they really continued or if they didn't, no one really knows. Some people say they know and so...

Hence all the conspiracy theories.

What you just described really reminds me of Freemasons, that was a secret society.

But nowadays you actually can see, I mean, it's secret and it's not so secret. Bcause you can see the relics of Freemasons, you can see a lot of the related books, you can see even like sites; there are even museums about Freemasons.

So what is that about?

A lot of people say what you see is what they want you to see. It's just a show put on to let people think that's not really who they are, right? And like I'm not a Freemason, so I don't really know what goes on in the shadows there.

But when you look at a lot of the things in what people are saying, right? People who are like lower level Freemasons, they maybe in the group and not even know what the group is really about. So they may believe this type of thing.

Wow, that's really deep.

Basically, you're saying that people who are involved in secret or not so secret societies, if they don't rise above the ranks, if they don't get to a higher enough rank, they don't even know the actual secret core of that society.

Interestingly, you said you're not a Freemason. When I was living in the UK, actually I got some friends who are Freemasons, and to me, it's just really like a guy's drinking club, they meet up for these meetings. But it doesn't seem like there's anything really secretive going on, but maybe they just didn't tell me.

Right. If there was something going on, they wouldn't be able to tell you, of course.

They have a secret handshake actually.

Yeah, and apparently that's secret handshake changes as you go up in the ranks to let the other person know what rank you are or to let the other person know like...

That I've actually heard of. But now with the internet, it's harder to keep secrets because you can just Google them most of the times.

Right. You actually see that with a few like kind of cults and pseudo religions in the US where like when you first get into it, they say there's this thing here, but then as you get in like things get weirder and weirder, and like scientology for example, like there's been a lot of like there has been a lot of documentaries about people who were in scientology and who got out.

Of course, to make it look even worse is scientologists do whatever they can to shut those people up. And so they actually like run smear campaigns, things that people wouldn't do if they didn't have anything to hide, right?

It's getting more and more confusing as we are discussing these. It's more and more difficult to distinguish what is the fact, what is the truth and what is probably just a cover up, or what people want you to think.


But these are just societies and many of them they actually do have documented existence. But then there are some really out there theories, like I've heard Reptilian leaders?


I mean, I thought it was just in Sci-fi film.

What it basically is is there are groups of people who think all of the leaders of the world are actually part of this Reptilian group of people who live underground.

Reptilians are like lizards or dinosaurs, right?

Yeah, the Lizardmen.

Why? Because lizards are not even that smart.

Yeah, I don't know, but I think it has to do with the fact that like reptiles can kind of like change the color of their skin or their scales and things like that. So it makes people think like if they can do that, maybe they can shapeshift and then there were dinosaurs back in the day...

They were dominating the Earth.

And some people think that maybe their species didn't die out, but maybe they evolved underground, or maybe that the reptilians were actually aliens who came to Earth and were pushed underground by early men. But...

So you're saying that there is a possibility that we're actually living in a Jurassic Park.


And I've noticed again, it's a conspiracy theory about leaders of the world, a very elite group of people that have these secret identities being the Lizardmen, the Reptilian leaders.

But if they already have the power over the general public, then why? What is the ultimate mission?

Well, there is, as you get deeper into it, like there is different people who have different like they have their ideas are basically that they don't have the control that we think they do. Because there is possibly like antagonizing forces that are trying to stop them. And so they can't come out and say what they are, because then the entire populace would be against them.

So they are in control in our eyes, but they are actually not in control? You said antagonizing power, so there's like opposing power who can fight against Lizardmen or reptilian leaders.

That's where it starts getting really, really weird, right? We mentioned, we talked about aliens in the past, right? Some people think that like the Alien Greys that we talked about are actually like an opposing force to the reptilian overlords.

This is going to get me nightmares. So basically, I'm right now possibly living in a world where the top leaders they are fighting; there're two groups of top leaders they are fighting, one group of them are Lizardmen, the other group are just grey aliens?


Okay, alright. And then what's that theory about?

Basically, the aliens they are trying to control Earth, now, whether or not one is more benevolent to humans than the other is up for debate.

Because some conspiracy theorists say the Alien Greys are actually trying to help us, while other ones are actually saying they're trying to...

To eradicate us.

Yeah, trying to like either use us for slave labor. But basically either both groups want to use us or one group is benevolent and wants to save us from the other group.

Let's not forget there is Cthulhu as well.


You see, after listening to all these conspiracy series, I mean, obviously the first reaction is like what a load of rubbish, but then once you tell yourself to perhaps be a little bit open minded, and think that there might be a possibility of things that you don't know you are not sure, what you see is not the ultimate reality, then it gets really confusing for people. But who are these people who are basically talking about conspiracy theories or spreading them?

You know, for the most part, a lot of people think they're just people who live in their parents basements, who really don't have a connection to the outside world so much, like people that are more shut-ins. But there are some actual like the Lizardmen theory I think was promoted by like a really high ranking politician in the UK, or at least someone who was trying to be really high ranking politician.

I can't remember exactly what his name is now, but when you look at some of the people, right, the majority of them aren't really these famous people, but some of them end up being like professors at universities who believe this.

And so you see people from all walks of life who believe in these conspiracy theories and ...

I think it's perhaps they do share some similarities. And perhaps people who have some difficulty trusting authority, existing evidence or the mainstream for example, or people that are experiencing certain level of, let's say, paranoia. And also the internet is such a breeding ground for these theorists, because it's easier for people to share these common beliefs now.

Definitely. When you look, I remember when I first came to China, one of my students was talking about a video she had watched online, and so she was talking about like the Star Gate and I was thinking the TV show? And I couldn't really understand what she was talking about. So I went online and I watched this TV show or not the TV show, but I watched the the video about the Star Gate that happens to be in like the Gulf of Vietnam.

So it's not the TV show

It wasn't the TV show. But apparently the TV show is a cover-up.

It's a cover-up?

It's something to try to cover the whole thing up. So they made a TV show in order to cover up the so called Star Gate. But to kind of like put things together the Alien Greys the Reptiles they're all like trying to fight over this.

I think basically what it's coming to is a bunch ofthere's all these conspiracy theorists who are talking online, and now they're kind of crossing things together. They're trying to put all these conspiracies together into one gigantic conspiracy to show kind of like how everything in the world is intertwined.

That's very interesting, because you would think that when groups of conspiracy theories, when they come together, they probably will fight over whose theory is the more credible one. Instead, you're saying they're cooperating?

Really, they are. Like it's very interesting, throughout the entire interview with this guy that was talking about the Star Gate.

The interviewer she was asking him questions and she kept like throwing out like all these other conspiracy theories at him. And all he did was take that conspiracy theory and try to fit it in kind of like a tetris piece into his conspiracy theory.

It's actually kind of interesting just to sit here and watch him fit everything kind of together.

Yeah, I guess different conspiracy theories, they probably will lend evidence to one another in that way.

Wow, and just like you said in the very beginning, you said that some conspiracy theories actually turn out to be true.


So maybe in the future, you never know. I know some of them sound like they're out there and some of them are probably just pure delusion, but they might be some that actually have some truth in it.

I mean like when you do find out that there are these conspiracy theories that end up being true, it kind of gives people some credence. It makes people think that these things, these other ones could possibly be true since they found ones that are actually true.

Yeah, let's wrap up today's conversation. And again, talk with you are like basically the materials for my nightmares.

But it's very interesting to take a look. For those of you who are listening to the show if you have heard of any of these out there conspiracy theories, if you have your own comments to make about conspiracy series, leave us a comment in the comment section and thank you Brad for coming to the show.

No problem.

We'll see you next time.

See you next time.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
supernatural [.sju:pə'nætʃərəl]


adj. 超自然的,神奇的

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]


n. 垃圾,废物,废话
v. 贬损

credence ['kri:dəns]


n. 信用,祭器台,供桌

authority [ə'θɔ:riti]


n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

secretive [si'kri:tiv]


adj. 密秘的,偷偷摸摸的


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