I’m from the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, but I’ve lived in Denver for quite a few years.
I have a friend that also lives in Denver who is originally from Oklahoma, the Cherokee Nation.
We got talking about how homesick we were, and he suggested that we go spend a couple of weeks with his grandma.
In the car for the 12-hour drive, we talked about everything we missed: fry bread and powwows and stomp dances and hearing our people speak our own languages.
By the time we got to Oklahoma, I was so happy to be home.
We were maybe three or four miles from his grandma’s house when he said there were a couple of things maybe he should tell me about.
The first was that his grandmother might not be particularly fond of Shawnee people.
This was because of a thing that had happened between our tribes in the late 1800s.
That might seem like a long time ago to some people, but she remembered.
The second thing was that she could be a little bit persistent about inviting people to go to church with her on Sunday.
Right away I knew what he meant. In modern-day Oklahoma, Native people have an eclectic array of spiritual beliefs.
Some follow our traditional ways; others have joined various congregations.
I grew up with an Irish Catholic mother and a Shawnee father, and so I was very open to all kinds of different spiritual beliefs.

But as I grew up, it was our traditional ways that had spoken to my heart.
However, when I went back home I’d still get a lot of invitations to go to church.
Although I really appreciated it, I usually politely declined because there was always an undercurrent of hoping that I might be converted, and I really don’t like to disappoint people.
I promised my friend that I could be diplomatic with his grandmother if she was persistent with her invitations,
and I even thought that maybe I could win her over to liking Shawnee people.