This is BBC news, the headlines.
On his second day in hospital, Donald Trump has tweeted a video, thanking well-wishers.
在住院的第二天 唐纳德·特朗普在推特上发布了一段视频 感谢祝福者
He says he's making progress but admits that he still expects to remain at the Walter Reed medical center north of Washington for a few more days.
他自称病情正在好转 但他承认他仍希望在华盛顿北部的沃尔特·里德医疗中心再待几天
In other news. Despite international appeals for calm, fighting has intensified in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
其他新闻 尽管国际社会呼吁冷静 但有争议的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区的战斗却愈演愈烈
There are reports of civilians being targeted.
Armenia's prime minister says the country is facing a decisive moment as the country battles Azerbaijan for control of the region.
亚美尼亚总理表示 本国正面临着决定性时刻 在与阿塞拜疆争夺该地区的控制权
At least three people have died and dozens are missing after a powerful storm hit southern France and northwestern Italy.
一场强风暴袭击了法国南部和意大利西北部 造成至少3人死亡 数十人失踪
A number of villages suffered serious damage around the southern french city of nice.
The mayor has called it the worst flooding in living memory.
Italy's Piedmont region has also been hit.