Ant Group filed papers for what could be the biggest-ever IPO, raising up to $30bn. Most famous for its Alipay service, the group is affiliated with Alibaba, China’s biggest online retailer, and its founder, Jack Ma. Much of China’s online payments are made on its platform. It is the world’s most valuable fintech enterprise. Ant’s dual stockmarket flotation, in Hong Kong and on Shanghai’s star exchange, could see it valued at upwards of $200bn.
蚂蚁集团(Ant Group)提交了IPO申请,融资高达300亿美元,可能成为史上规模最大的IPO。该集团最著名的业务是支付宝服务,隶属于中国最大在线零售商阿里巴巴及其创始人马云(Jack Ma)。中国大部分在线支付都是在其平台上进行的。它是全球最具价值的金融科技企业。蚂蚁金服分别在香港和上海证券交易所上市,可能使其估值超过2000亿美元。
Kevin Mayer is to step down as TikTok’s chief executive, after just three months in the job. The video-sharing app is the latest Chinese-owned firm to stir up national-security concerns in America. It has filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump’s order that bans it unless it sells its American operations to an American company. TikTok said it had “taken extraordinary measures to protect the privacy” of data.
Kevin Mayer)将辞去

A group of WeChat users also sued the administration over a similar order from Mr Trump. The group argues that a ban on the Chinese-owned messaging app curtails their right to free speech and forms part of the president’s “racial animus” against Chinese people.
The recent decision by Apple to split its stock prompted a reconfiguration of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index of 30 American companies weighted by share price. Out go ExxonMobil, Raytheon and Pfizer, to be replaced by Amgen, Honeywell and Salesforce. Exxon traces its roots in the index to 1928; it was then known as Standard Oil of New Jersey. Its removal leaves Chevron as the only oil company in the Dow. The changes offset the reduction in Apple’s weight in the index, but also “better reflect the American economy”, according to Dow Jones.
苹果公司最近拆分其股票的决定促使道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)进行了重组,该指数由30家美国公司的股价加权而成。埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、雷神(Raytheon)和辉瑞(Pfizer)将被安进(Amgen)、霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)和Salesforce取代。埃克森美孚在该指数中的历史可追溯到1928年;当时它被称为新泽西标准石油公司。该公司被取代后,雪佛龙成为道琼斯指数中唯一一家石油公司。道琼斯方面(Dow Jones)表示,这些变化抵消了苹果在该指数中权重的下降,但也“更好地反映了美国经济”。
A court in California granted Lyft and Uber an emergency stay against an injunction that would have forced them to reclassify their drivers as employees in the state, wrecking their business model. The ride-hailing companies’ appeal will be heard on October 13th.
Germany’s statistics office now thinks the economy shrank by 9.7% in the second quarter compared with the first, a bit better than an initial estimate of -10.1%.