I had a hard time getting into it. The narrator was an old man, but he sounded more like what a young woman thought an old man might sound like.
Whenever I was tempted to give up on it, I thought of David. He had just started reading Infinite Jest.
I pushed through the first two chapters and discovered a new narrator in the third.
I loved the alternating points of view. I carried the book to work.
I read at lunch and on my walk home, occasionally lifting my eyes to avoid strangers and uneven concrete.
“How’s your day?” David texted. “Good. A little tired,” I replied.
“I stayed up late and finished my book.” I tried to slip it in casually, but I was proud of myself.
The last time I’d pulled an all-nighter to read, I was 12 and the book was Little Women.
It was not a competition, but there was a tug. I felt him pushing me to be more of the person I used to be and more of who I wanted to be.
Whenever he turned to discussing his current nonfiction book about the rise of Silicon Valley or environmental philosophers,
I would tell him of fiction, of men who left their countries by hiding in boxes only to climb out and turn into birds.
I would remind him that sometimes the only way to explain the world we live in is to make it all up.

I asked David once what he liked about me. He paused, then said, “You make me less cynical.
I see the world as a more wonder-filled place with you.” David suggested we visit the library again.
He asked if I remembered the game we played on our first visit. “I remember,” I said.
He pulled a book from the shelf, dropped to one knee, and opened it.
Inside, his Post-it read: “Karla, it has always been you. Will you marry me?”
His proposal had rested between the pages of The Rebel Princess for over a year. “Yes,” I said. “I’ll marry you.”
We embraced in the middle of the fiction aisle, surrounded by other people’s stories, about to begin our own.