Actors chewed soap to mimic rabies and wielded prosthetics meant to simulate the burning and fleeing and amputation of limbs.
演员们嚼肥皂来模仿狂犬病 用假肢来模拟烧伤、逃跑和截肢
One company manager purchased a bunch of eyeballs from a taxidermist hoping to find a type that would bounce convincingly.
一位公司经理从一个动物标本剥制师那里买了一堆眼球 希望能找出一种弹跳逼真的眼球
Explore the dark pleasures of the Grand Guignol by studying one of its greatest hits "A crime in a madhouse",
Written by Andre De Lorde and Alfred Binet and first staged in 1925.
由安德烈·德·洛德和阿尔弗雷德·比奈联名创作 于1925年搬上舞台
The play starts innocently enough.
Madame robin a favoured inmate at said madhouse is having an after-dinner chat with the nun who works at the asylum.
The nun asks, why are you still here when you're cured,
To which madame robin replies, turns out when you've been in an asylum for years,
罗宾夫人回答说:“事实证明 当你在疯人院呆了很多年
People on the outside are kind of suspicious of you and also isn't it handy that I can be here to help out with the exposition.
外面的人会对你产生怀疑 而且我能在这里帮你解释不是很方便吗
Oh and speaking of exposition, I sure am glad that little Louise is going home soon.
哦 说到解释 我真高兴小露易丝不久就要回家了
And wow, I sure liked her a lot better than the two older ladies she rooms with—Hunchback and the Normandy woman.
哇 比起和她住在一起的两个老太太“驼背”和“诺曼底女人” 我更喜欢她
Didn't one of them lose a daughter and isn't that why she now exhibits psychopathic behavior towards young women like Louise?
他们中不是有一个失去了女儿吗 这不就是为什么她现在对像路易丝这样的年轻女性表现出心理变态行为的原因吗。”
Not that I'm foreshadowing or anything. She goes on to say, and I'm just paraphrasing here.
我没有在预示什么 她接着说 我只是在复述她的话
Hey, did it ever occur to you that maybe One Eye the notorious child murderer shouldn't be sleeping right next to them?
“嘿 你有没有想过或许那个独眼的臭名昭著的儿童杀手就睡在他们旁边呢?”
And I mean what is foreshadowing anyway is that like when you have foreshadows just asking for no particular reason.
我所说的预示就是 比如 当你有预示的时候 并没有什么特殊的原因
And the nun is like, don't worry about One Eye, she's been paralysed for six years.
然后修女说:“不用担心独眼 她已经瘫痪了6年了
So it's totally fine that no one actually guards the lady patients at night.
Okay. Wow. Look at the time. Gotta go. How convenient.
嗯 哇 都这么晚了 我得走了。” 可真方便
The nun and things get grim pretty quick. Help us out thought bubble. I'm gonna watch this one like this.
修女和这一切很快变得黑暗起来 咱们来看思想泡泡 下面部分我得这么看
As soon as it's lights out, the nun is like, gotta go pray for the dead. Peace.
灯一关 修女就说:“我要去为死者祈祷了 你们安歇吧。”
She locks the women into their cell and leaves.
In the second act, Hunchback and the Normandy woman are whispering in their beds.
第二幕里 驼背和诺曼底女人在床上窃窃私语
Louise wakes up and is like, what are y'all up to, murder ladies?
露易丝醒来说:“你们在干什么 谋杀女士们?”
And they're like, oh nothing.

Then the door of the cell starts to open and One Eye rushes in and holds Louise down on the bed.
然后牢房门开了 独眼冲进来把路易丝摁在了床上
Louise tries to yell but One Eye holds a hand over her mouth stifling her screams.
路易丝想叫 但是独眼用一只手捂住了她的嘴不让她发声
One Eye says that when Louise went crazy a cuckoo bird flew inside her head and now it's time to let the bird out moving Louise's eyes.
独眼说:路易丝在发疯的时候 一只布谷鸟飞进了她的脑袋 现在是时候把鸟放出来了 通过挖掉眼珠的方式
But first Hunchback and the Normandy woman have to waste a bunch of time
by adjusting the lighting and softening up a stiff cloth because suspense.
来调整灯光和软化硬布 因为~要制造悬念
Once the cloth is moistened, One Eye covers Louise's face with it and stabs one of the nuns knitting needles through each of her eyes.
布刚被弄湿 独眼就用步遮住了路易丝的脸 一根修女的织针随即刺穿了路易丝的两只眼睛
Louise stands up long enough for the audience to see her mutilated eyeless face and then dies.
露易丝站了很长时间 让观众看到她那残缺不全的没有眼睛的脸 然后挂了
The normandie woman and the Hunchback are like, but where's the bird?
Disappointed, they grabbed One Eye and dragged her toward a conveniently located stove where they burn her face off and then kill her.
失望之下 他们抓住了独眼 把她拖到一个很方便的火炉旁 把独眼的脸烧了 然后杀了她
At that moment, a couple of the nuns returned. But everything's dark and quiet. So they go back to their prayers.
这时 两个修女回来了 但是一切都太黑暗太安静了 所以她们继续祈祷去了
Thought bubble, this is not a reasonable standard of care.
思想泡泡 这不是一个合理的精确标准
So what do we do with this? Do we laugh? Do we scream?
所以 我们该怎么反应呢?笑?尖叫?
Do we feel purged of our pity and terror and ready to rejoin democratic society as rational and engaged.
我们是不是应该感到怜悯和恐惧已被清除 并准备以理性和参与的姿态重新加入民主社会?
Citizens with absolutely no desire to stab eyeballs or seer face parts.
Or do we just feel really really bad?
These are good questions to ask ourselves about horror in other forms of entertainment-like movies, books, video games.
对于其他娱乐形式中的恐怖 比如电影、书、电子游戏 这些是很好的问题
As a culture we've been enjoying horror for a long time. Isn't that right Oedipus?
作为一种文化 我们享受恐怖已经很久了 对吧 俄狄浦斯
But why do we love it so much?
Under De Lorde's theory was this: Each one of us has in his innermost being a secret longing for violent emotions."
Is that true? And if it is, then why?
真的吗 如果是真的 为啥呢?
Maybe De Lorde psychologist could have answered that one, except that his psychologist was Alfred Binet who co-wrote the horror plays with him.
或许德洛德的心理学家可以回答这个问题 但是他的心理学家阿尔弗雷德·比奈和他一起写了这部恐怖剧
So Binet was probably like, I concur now which eyeball did they stab first.
The Grand Guignol was most popular during and after world war one.
Millions were dying in trenches but apparently people thought it was relaxing
数百万人死在战壕里 但是很显然人们认为去剧院看别人被杀或者看更多风格越界的戏剧
Or cathartic or distracting or something to go to the theater and see people killed and more outraced styles.
The Grand Guignol became a huge tourist attraction. Interest petered out after the second world war.
“恐怖剧”成了一个巨大的旅游景点 第二次世界大战之后 人们对“恐怖剧”的兴趣也逐渐消失了
Maybe radio and film had finally exceeded the Grand Guignol in barbarity?
Or maybe nightlife which didn't make you hyperventilate and vomit became tres chic?
或者 没有让你强力呼吸和呕吐的夜生活变得非常时髦?
There's also a theory that when reports emerged of the true suffering in the nazi death camps, viewers turned against the Grand Guignol.
还有一种说法就是 在有关纳粹死亡集中营真实遭遇的报道出现时 观众们便开始反对“恐怖剧”
Simulated torture just wasn't fun anymore.
As the company manager Charles Noel said: Before the war, everyone felt that what was happening on stage was impossible.
正如公司经理查尔斯·诺埃尔所说:战前 大家都觉得在舞台上发生的事情是不可能真实发生的
Now we know that these things and worse are possible in reality.
The theater limped along for another decade and a half, shuttering in 1962.
Thanks for holding my hand through that one. Next time we're gonna enjoy a little less horror
谢谢大家帮我度过这集的难关 下集我们讲个稍微没那么恐怖的
As we visit the irish renaissance checking in on the sparkling argument of George Bernard Shaw and the devastating wit of Oscar Wilde.
下集我们要参观爱尔兰文艺复兴 欣赏萧伯纳的精彩论述、领略奥斯卡·王尔德的绝顶智慧
Yorick loves a one-liner. So do i. Until then, either these curtains go or I do.
约莱克喜欢俏皮话 我也是 下集见 要么拉上幕帘 要么我走