Hey there! I'm mike rugnetta. This is crash course theater.
嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂”
And today we'll be exploring...ooh...ooh...yeesh.
今天我们将来探索 啊 啊 我去
We'll be exploring the Grand Guignol, the horrifying a theatrical tradition that had french audiences rolling in the aisles
我们将探索“恐怖剧” 一种很恐怖的传统戏剧 它让法国的观众朋友们在走廊上打滚、
And then fainting in the aisles and then vomiting on the pavement outside the building that contained the aisles for more than 60 years.
晕倒在走廊上、在某建筑外面的人行道上呕吐 该建筑的走廊可是有60多年的历史的
Is this what aristotle really had in mind with all that pity and terror stuff?
Did he mean literal purging? I mean I guess a good barf can be cathartic in a sense.
他所说的净化就是字面上的净化吗?我的意思是 我想好的呕吐物在某种意义上可以起到净化(通便)作用
And get ready for the goriest thought bubble yet. And really maybe the goriest episode yet?
要做好观看最恐怖的思想泡泡的准备 这大概是目前为止最吓人的一集
So content warning for blood, guts and mediocre french pronunciation. Lights up.
所以警告一下 这集有血、内脏以及还算过得去的法语发音 灯光!
Grand Guignol antecedent is melodrama with its anti-literary visually forward focus on sensation and surprise.
“恐怖剧”的祖先是音乐剧 其反文学的视觉前沿专注于感觉和惊喜
But let's not forget andre antoine and the Tatra Libre, because believe it or not,
但是 我们不要忘记安德烈·安托万和塔特拉·利伯维 因为 信不信由你
The Grand Guignol with all its rabies and insanity and troubling exoticism is another offshoot of french naturalism.
It took a bunch of inspiration from the sordid side of naturalism.
The side that seemed to delight in depraved situations designed to shock middle-class theater goers.
One of the specialities of the Tatra Libre were short semi-documentary, one-act plays called "Comedies rosses",
塔特拉·利伯维的特色之一就是它那短暂的“半纪录片” 一种叫做“comedies rosses”的一幕剧
Usually translated as cynical or bitter comedies which depicted a lowlife world of thieves prostitutes alcoholism and violence.
通常被翻译为“愤世嫉俗或者苦涩的喜剧” 描绘的是一个由小偷、妓女、酗酒和暴力的下层社会
A lot of these comedies were based on a kind of newspaper story called the "Fait divers"
这些喜剧中有很多基于一种叫做“fait divers”的报纸故事
Which were strange but true vignettes usually about crime or horrifying accidents
不太常见 但是小片断演出的通常是占据了各大流行报纸版面
That filled up the pages of popular papers and were lavishly illustrated.
Unlike melodrama, they usually had sad or tragic endings.
和音乐剧不同的是 它们的结局通常是悲伤的或者说是悲剧

Oscar Metenies, one of the Tatra Libre's co-founders, was a former tabloid journalist who once took andre antoine to an execution for fun,
奥斯卡·迈特涅是塔特拉·利伯维的共同创始人之一 他曾是一名为了娱乐效果而将安德烈·安托万带去执行死刑的小报记者
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Metenies specialized in churning out comedies rosses inspired by fay devious.
Metenies专门创作受fay devious启发的comedies russ 这可能并不意外
A few years after the Tatra Libre folded, metenie opened the tatra de Grand Guignol in paris in 1897.
在塔特拉·利伯维垮台之后 metenie于1897年在巴黎开设了teatro de 恐怖剧院
The name comes from Guignol, a character in the french version of the punch and judy puppet shows.
这个名字来自Guignol 他是法国版的《潘趣和朱迪》木偶戏中的一个角色
Guignol was a working-class man known for his courage and wit.
Guignol是工人阶级 以其勇气和智慧而闻名
So is this a puppet show for grown-ups? Maybe. Are the human actors just big puppets? Maybe.
所以 这是给大人看的木偶戏吗 或许吧 人类演员就是大型木偶吗 或许吧
Is it part of some cryptic conspiracy having to do with Guignol trade as a silk weaver? Probably not, but also maybe.
这是不是必须和作为丝织商的Guignol秘密阴谋的一部分 或许不是 但也或许是
I mean french puns can be very complicated.
An evening at the Grand Guignol would usually feature five or six short plays,
Alternating comedies rosses with shockers, and comedy comedies, a method known as "Hot and cold showers."
和comedies rosses交替演出 这是一种被称为“冷热水洗澡”的方法
Metenie ran the theatre for a few years and sold it to Max Maurey who moved away from slice of life plays
Metenie经营这家剧院几年之后把它卖给了Max Maurey 而Max Maurey从生活戏剧
And toward horror vignettes "Slice of death dramas", as one critic called them.
转向了恐怖小片段 曾经有评论家称之为“死亡戏剧片场”
As a director, maori demanded absolute precision just like antwon,
作为一名导演 Maurey和安托万一样要求绝对的精准度
But in 1915, he sold the Grand Guignol to kamil swasey who moved the acting away from naturalistic and toward a more stylized approach.
但在1915年 他把“恐怖剧院”卖给了卡米尔·斯瓦西 而斯瓦西将表演从自然主义转向了一种更独具一格的方式
In its 65 years, the Grand Guignol produced about 1,200 plays.
Today the term Grand Guignol is synonymous with the shockers, the blood, and sometimes even guts offerings.
今天 “恐怖剧”这个词已经成为震撼人心、热血甚至内脏的代名词
The farce is about sexual infidelity and the comedies rosses about lower-class depravity have mostly faded from memory.
关于性不忠的闹剧和关于下层社会堕落的comedies rosses大多已经从记忆中淡去
When it came to the shockers, the great writer was Andre De Lorde, aka the prince of terror.
说到震惊 最伟大的作家便是安德烈·德·洛德 又名“恐怖王子”
He was a doctor's kid and even from an early age he had an unhealthy interest in suffering.
他父亲是名医生 他甚至从很小的时候就对痛苦有着一种变态的兴趣
He used to like to listen to the patients screaming behind his father's door.
He said that he wanted to write a play so terrifying that the whole audience would flee the theatre.
You know, like typical artist goals.
你知道 这是很多剧作家的目标
Famous psychologist Alfred Binet was another popular Grand Guignol playwright and frequent De Lorde's collaborator.
著名的心理学家阿尔弗雷德·比奈是另外一个受欢迎的“恐怖剧”剧作家 曾多次和德·洛德合著
He created the binet intelligence test which included charming questions such as
他创造了“比奈智力测试” 里面有一些迷人的问题 比如
What is the first thing you would do if you came home after school and found your mother strangled and mutilated?
如果你放学回家后发现妈妈被人勒死并肢解了 你会做的第一件事是什么?
Their plays and those of other Guignols favoured themes like
Mutilation, insanity, strangulation, paralysis, hypnosis, leprosy, live burial,
肢解 精神错乱 窒息 麻痹 催眠 麻风病 活埋
Guillotining, mountaineering accidents and to the gouging out of eyes. Rabies was also weirdly popular.
断头台 登山事故 挖眼睛 狂犬病也非常流行
One famous actress maxo said that she'd been killed at least 60 different ways.
著名女演员马克索说 她被杀害的方式有至少60种
It's not completely clear how or why audiences enjoyed the Grand Guignol.
Did they feel genuinely afraid of the over-the-top horrors or did they laugh at them?
Until it's last decades, the Guignol never favoured a camp style of performance.
恐怖剧院一直不喜欢露营式的表演 直到最后的几十年
The actors were instructed to make the scenes of murder, torture, and rape look and feel as real as possible.
They gauged their effectiveness by the number of patrons who fainted at the end of each sketch.
Sometimes as many as a dozen people went unconscious. Sort of like the inverse of a standing ovations I guess?
有的时候有多达12人失去知觉 和“站起鼓掌”的效应是颠倒的 我觉得
To make the short plays even more horrifying, the Grand Guignol developed a bunch of gruesome staged techniques too.
为了增强短剧的恐怖效果 “恐怖剧”也研发了一套吓人的舞台技巧
There was usually at least one vat of fake blood, ~ backstage,
通常至少有一大桶的假血 ~后台
A lighter and runny air liquide was used for new wounds a darker and stickier fluid for old ones.
更轻更稀的液化空气用于新伤口 深色更粘稠的液体用于旧伤口
Staged weapons were invented that retracted into their handles or that simulated a bleeding when moved across the flesh.