Hey there! I'm mike rugnetta. This is crash course theater,
嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂”
And did you think we'd finished with French Realism?
I'll contraire, because remember that whole revolution in playwriting that we looked at last time?
并没有 还记得上次我们讲到的关于“剧本创作”的整个革命的过程吗
Well, it kicked off revolutions in acting and stagecraft too.
嗯 表演和舞台艺术的革命也被开启了
We're gonna move between france and Germany looking at a few of the most influential theatre companies.
There will be chain mail and halberd and actual bleeding sides of beef today. May zombies. Also, a gruesome thought bubble.
会讲到锁子甲、斧枪、滴着血的牛肉 可能还有僵尸 此外 还有阴森的思想泡泡
Bon appetit. That's uh...that's basically all the French I know. So you better roll the title sequence.
愿你胃口好(法语) 这个……呃……是我仅会的法语了 所以你最好看一下片头
Many European courts had a resident theater troupe. The Bitsey German duchy of sachs meininger was one of them.
欧洲的许多法院都有一个常驻剧团 萨克斯玛尼的比克斯德国公爵就是其中之一
In 1866, Joerg II came to the throne or whatever you call the chair that a duke sits on.
1866年 约尔格二世登上了王位 或者随便你怎么称呼公爵坐的那把椅子
And looked around at his resident company "The meininger hoftheatertruppe", aka "The mining and court theatre troupe"
他在察看自己的常驻剧团“梅宁格霍夫剧院” 又名“玛尼和宫廷剧团”时
And he was like, hmm, what if you were better.
说到:嗯 怎样才能让你变得更好呢?
You see, Joerg had traveled around Germany and he'd seen a lot of players,
之后 约尔格开始周游德国 见了很多戏剧演员
including the traveling company headed by Charles Keen that had attempted some historically accurate shakespeare plays.
包括查尔斯·基恩的巡回剧团 该剧团已经尝试过一些符合历史的莎士比亚戏剧
Joerg decided that a group of actors rigorously rehearsed and meticulously outfitted with period-appropriate props and costumes would create more realistic and exciting work.
约尔格认为 演员们只要经过严格排练、精心配备符合时代特点的道具和服装、那么将创造出更加真实、更加激动人心的作品
That's how he got the nickname "Theater duke". That's right. Theater duke.
这就是他的绰号“戏剧公爵”的由来 没错 戏剧公爵
Huh? No, I'm much more of like a "Theater esquire".
哈?不 我更像“戏剧先生”
Yeah, I mean, you yes you can be a theater gentleman. It's fine with me. You're just gonna have to start acting like one.
嗯 我是说 你 是的 你可以是“戏剧绅士” 我觉得挺好 你得表现得像位绅士
Anyway, theater duke, you're fired the main director and asked the actor Ludvig Cronic to head the troupe.
不管怎么说 戏剧公爵 你解雇了总导演并让路德维希·克罗尼克来管理剧团
The duke was also assisted by his third wife Ellen France an actress who served as the troops literary manager and vocal coach.
公爵还得到了他的第三任妻子艾伦·弗兰斯的帮助 她是一名演员 曾担任军队的文学经理和声乐教练
Because the theater was a fully patron supported, box office was not a concern.
因为剧院完全是由赞助人赞助的 所以票房并不重要
The troupe could choose whatever plays they wanted: Shakespeare, romantic tragedy, a few modern works.
剧团可以选择任何他们想要表演的戏剧:莎士比亚 浪漫悲剧 一些现代戏剧
They could rehearse them for months and perform them only a couple times a week.
他们会排练好几个月 但是一周只表演几次
"The meininger hoftheatertruppe" also pioneered rehearsal techniques that are common now.
The actors used actual props and actual costumes almost from the beginning.

And all of the directors decisions were written down in a prompt book so that the actors wouldn't deviate from the blocking once it was set.
导演的所有决定都被记录在台词本上 这样一旦设置了舞台调度 演员们就不会脱离
You know, you can also thank the theatre duke for theatrical supply shops.
你知道 也要感谢公爵剧院的戏剧用品店
Joerg and his assistants spent a ton of time researching the setting of each play.
They made sure that the actors wore historically accurate clothes and used historically accurate props.
他们会确保演员们穿的是符合历史文化的服装 使用符合历史文化的道具
When this caught on with other troupes shops sprang up to supply the theaters.
这种做法兴起来之后 其他剧团纷纷涌现 为剧院供应物资
The duke took costumes and props seriously, really seriously.
公爵对服装和道具要求很严格 真的很严格
The actors wore actual armor and chainmail and carried actual swords and axes.
演员们要穿上真的盔甲和锁子甲 手持真的剑和斧头
Not a lie, pal, I would prefer to remain in the dark concerning your provenance.
说实话 伙计 我宁愿对你的来历一无所知
Every detail of set and lighting was integrated into the whole of a play.
And the duke tried to replace Sherlocky stage paintings with realistic set design and real furniture.
At a time when most of the major theaters in Europe were beholden to a star system, "The meininger hoftheatertruppe" explicitly worked without stars.
当时欧洲的大部分大型影院都依赖于“明星”效应 而梅宁格霍夫剧院显然在没有“明星”效应的前提下依然能够运转
All of the actors in the troupe were expected to participate in every play,
even as spear carriers, for example, if there wasn't a speaking part available.
如果没有拿到有台词的角色 他们就得跑龙套
And while most directors didn't bother to rehearse supernumeraries, which is sort of like a fancy word for extras, the duke considered them crucially important.
虽然大多数导演都不会费心费力去排练“候补演员”(对临时演员的一种正式称呼) 但是公爵却认为候补演员非常重要
Each body was placed on stage in a significant way. Each movement was choreographed.
每个人物都被精心安排在舞台上 每个动作要经过精心设计
The composer richard strauss who got his start working for the duke was dazzled by the direction of the crowd scenes
in which every move was plotted with the greatest care and the stylistic verisimilitude of the staging.
舞台场景里的每一个动作都经过精心策划 十分逼真
Maybe that wouldn't have mattered so much if the troupe had just stuck around the duchy,
如果说剧团只在公爵面前表演 那么可能没有必要搞得那么严肃
but the duke sent them out on tour where they were a huge influence on Andre Antoine
who will meet in a minute and Constantin Stanislavski, the Moscow art theater guy who will show up in a couple episodes.
不久我们会讲到安德烈·安东尼 康斯坦丁·斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基来自莫斯科艺术剧院 之后几集会讲到他
Madames, misses, and dissentient skulls. Allow me to introduce Andre Antoine,
夫人们 小姐们 以及某些个持有异议的骷髅头们 请允许我介绍安德烈·安东尼
a meininger fanboy who became one of the most influential theatre directors of the late 19th century.
19世纪晚期 梅宁格霍夫剧院的粉丝男孩 成为了最具影响力的戏剧导演之一
Antoine began his career as a clerk at a gas company.
But he loved the theater so much that he used to moonlight as part of the claques at the comedie francaise.
但是他非常喜欢戏剧 所以他经常在法国喜剧剧院做“拍手喝彩者”
Claques were paid groups of spectators who were hired by the theater management or by individual writers or actors to come to the show and applaud vigorously,
“拍手喝彩者”就是一群拿报酬的观众 他们被剧院管理部门、或者单独的编剧、或者演员雇来观看节目然后假装热烈鼓掌
unless actors and writers were in a fight in which case they might be hired to come to the show and boo vigorously.
除非演员和编剧不和 这种情况他们可能会被雇来观看节目然后发出“热烈的嘘声”
I know, and you thought youtube was tough.
我知道 你们会想到油管曾经也很艰难
Antoine was also heavily involved in an amateur troupe.
And one day, he came to them and was like, guys, I think we should do Zola.
有一天 他来到剧团说:伙计 我觉得我们应该演左拉的剧
And they were like, man no.
然后他们说:伙计 别想了
So Antoine was like, fine, I'm just gonna go ahead found my own and cred the influential and daring theater company. And I'm just gonna do whatever I want.
于是安东尼说:行 那我自己创办一家戏剧公司 然后为这家有影响力且敢于创新的剧团增光 到时候我可以随便怎么搞
And he did. He rented a room in a pool hall and carted over, most of his mom's furniture.
然后他付诸了行动 在台球厅租了一间房 而且把他妈妈的大部分的家具都搬过去了
Opening the theater Libre in 1897 in paris. It was subscription-based which meant he didn't need the approval of the censor.
1897年在巴黎开了家名为“自由”的剧院 因为是集体资助的 所以他不需要获得审查人员的批准
The group specialized in plays that other theaters couldn't or wouldn't get licensed.
Antoine favored an ultra-realistic style. He encouraged the actors to sometimes turn their backs on the audience.
安东尼喜欢超现实主义风格 他鼓励演员们时而背对观众
He was cool with mumbling. And he worked to make their gestures look natural.
他很擅长喃喃自语 极力让手势看着比较自然
The actors he worked with were either too young and inexperienced or too old to be attractive to the major troupes.
和他一起工作的演员要么太年轻没有经验 要么就是被大型剧团拒之门外的老人家
But he did remarkable things with them.
然而 安东尼把他们变得相当优秀
What people really remember Antoine for though is the crazy realism of his sets.