Which all sounds great. But if you read Dumas's most famous play, "La Dame Aux Camilles,"
听起来是那么回事儿 但是如果你去读了仲马最著名的戏剧《茶花女》
with its courtesan-with-a-heart-of-gold-reforms-her-life-and-then-dies-of-culosis-because-it's-easier-to-forgive-a-fallen-women-when-they're-dead plot,
you'll see that there is definitely some invention and some tear-jerking going on.
I mean, I guess you can rip only so much from the headlines, y'know?
我是说 我猜你在看完剧名之后就能知道这些 对吧
And even though realism was supposed to be a move away from the sensationalism and moralism of melodrama—well, there's still a lot of sensation.
虽说现实主义应该和音乐剧的哗众取宠、道德主义保持距离 但是 嗯 它还是含有很多哗然的成分
As we'll see in upcoming episodes, the problem with a lot of new artistic movements is that
在接下来的几集里 许多新型的艺术运动都会有这个问题
it's hard to be faithful to your theories and write plays people wanna see.
The realistic movement coincides with a whole bunch of scientific discoveries and publications, notably Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species."
现实主义运动与一系列科学发现和出版物不谋而合 尤其是查尔斯·达尔文的《物种起源》
Artists were fascinated by this text and by what Darwin suggests about how heredity and environment come together to create character.
In theater, the big-time early adopter of evolution was Emile Zola, who was described as a fat, pot-bellied whiner by one of his colleagues.
在戏剧领域 最早接受进化论的人是埃米尔·左拉 他的一个同事把他描述为一个胖胖的、大腹便便的爱发牢骚的人
Instead of the well-made play formula, Zola said that theater should use other formulas: scientific formulas! This was naturalism.
佐拉说 戏剧不应该一味遵循“佳构剧”的形式 而应另寻他式 比如“科学公式”! 这就是自然主义!
Theater, Zola thought, should be a laboratory of human life, with its experiments
based not on the demands of plot, but on the inner conflicts of a group of characters.
这个实验不是基于情节的要求 而是基于一群人物的内心冲突
Each play should test a hypothesis, investigating what happens if you put these characters, with these hereditary traits, into this environment.
Spoiler alert: Nothing good! Naturalism doesn't include a lot of happy endings.
Zola's plays were so intense that they were considered too radical for some former radicals.
左拉的戏剧太过激进 甚至连一些激进派的老前辈都认为他的戏剧过于极端
Victor Hugo's supporters came to boo them.
You know how those earlier realists were like, We want the theater to be like life but maybe not too much?
你知道那些早期的现实主义者们是怎么想的吗 他们说:我们想让戏剧像生活一样 但也不要太像生活
Zola was all, Make it all the way like life. More life! LIFE TO THE MAX
左拉呢 就是太像生活 他把戏剧的方方面面都按照现实生活来写 过于贴近生活!贴近到了极点
In his preface to "Therese Raquin," the 1873 study of an adulterous couple that he adapted from his own novel, Zola wrote...
"I am waiting for the time to come when they will tell us no more incredible stories,
when they will no longer spoil the effects of just observations by romantic incidents…

I am waiting for them to abandon the cut and dried rules, the worked-out formulas, the tears and cheap laughs…
我在等待这一天的到来 我在等他们抛弃那些千篇一律的规则、那些精心设计的公式、那些眼泪和廉价的笑声……
I am waiting, finally… until they return to the source of science and modern arts, to the study of nature,
我会一直等 等到他们开始去探寻科学和现代艺术的源泉、开始去研究自然、
to the anatomy of man, to the painting of life, in an exact reproduction, more original and powerful than anyone has so far."
开始去解剖人体、去绘画生活 这是一种精确的再造 它比迄今为止任何作品都要更加原始、更加强大
Let's test some of these ideas out with "Therese Raquin."
Hope you brought your life jacket, ThoughtBubble:
请带上你的救生圈圈 思想泡泡
Therese is a poor girl who lives with her aunt and her aunt's hypochondriac son, Camille.
特蕾莎是一个贫穷的女孩 她和她的姑姑以及她姑姑的一个患有忧郁症的儿子卡米尔住在一起
Therese is semi-forced to marry Camille, and the family moves to Paris.
特蕾莎被迫嫁给了卡米尔 之后他们举家搬到了巴黎
Then one day, Camille brings home a work friend, and artist Laurent.
有一天 卡米尔带了一个比较要好的同事——艺术家劳伦特回到家
And before you can say heredity and environment, Laurent and Therese start a torrid affair But… sneaking around is tough.
在讲到遗传和环境之前 劳伦特和特蕾莎开始了一段火热的恋情 但是……偷偷摸摸是很难耐的
So eventually they're like, Hey, Camille, let's all go for a boat ride.
于是终于劳伦特说:嘿 卡米尔 我们一起去划船吧
Their plan is to drown Camille and then live happily ever after.
他们的计划是淹死卡米尔 然后他俩幸福地生活在一起
But the drowning doesn't go so well: Camille bites Laurent, and no one can find the body.
然而溺死的过程并不顺利:卡米尔反击了劳伦特 尸体失踪
And then the happily-ever-after doesn't go so well, because after they get married, Laurent and Therese are tortured by guilt.
之后他俩婚后的幸福也没有多么美好 因为结婚之后 劳伦特和特蕾莎被负罪感所折磨
They keep hallucinating that zombie-Camille is actually in their bedroom, which really interferes with sexy time.
他们一直幻想僵尸卡米尔就在他们的卧室里 这真的严重影响了他们的性爱
Therese can't sleep. Laurent can't paint. They both go a little crazy.
特蕾莎无法入睡 劳伦特也无法画画 他俩都有点儿被逼疯了
Therese's aunt finds out about the murder, but she's had a couple of strokes and can only communicate with her eyes and one finger.
后来 特蕾莎的姑姑发现了这场谋杀 不过她由于多次中风 只能用眼睛和一根手指交流
So she does a lot of ominous staring. She tries to expose them, but fails.
所以她总是恶狠狠地盯着他们 她试图揭穿他们 不过都以失败告终
The pressure is so great that Therese decides to kill Laurent, and Laurent decides to kill Therese.
后来他俩人压力越来越大 以至于特蕾莎决定杀死劳伦特 而劳伦特也决定杀死特蕾莎
Then they figure out that each is trying to kill the other, so they hug and cry and drink poison while the aunt watches, and probably some pointing?
最后他们都发现彼此想杀死对方 于是他们开始拥抱、哭泣、喝毒药 姑姑就在旁边看着 可能还指指点点了……
TOO REAL, ThoughtBubble. Or I guess, not REAL but … NATURAL?
太真实了思想泡泡 或者我觉得 不是真实 是……自然?
In some ways "Therese Raquin" proves Zola's ideas pretty well.
The murder occurs because of the kind of temperaments each character has and the opportunities that their environment provides.
发生谋杀是因为每个人物的性格 以及他们所处的环境给他们提供了机会
And there aren't a lot of cut and dried rules or cheap laughs.
But ok...how real or natural is this play?
但是好吧 这部剧究竟有多真实或者有多自然呢?
Eh. Even Zola acknowledged that it had problems. It's an incredible story. It's full of romantic incidents.
嗯 就连左拉自己也承认这部剧存在问题 比如故事情节令人难以置信 而且充满了浪漫事件
It doesn't feel like an exact reproduction of my life or probably your life … hopefully.
感觉并不像是我的、或者说你的 生活的复制品……其实也希望如此
Unless you have thrown yourself into a passionate affair and then drowned your husband.
If this is a slice of life, it's a very lurid slice, and it actually looks a lot like a sad version of bourgeois melodrama.
如果说这是生活的一部分 那它真的是非常可怕的一部分 其实这部剧看起来很像一部悲伤版的资产阶级音乐剧
Realism, like melodrama, is one of those genres that's still very much with us today. In plays, in movies, on TV shows.
现实主义 和音乐剧一样 是至今都仍广泛存在的戏剧类型 在戏剧里、电影里、电视剧里都能看到
Realism and naturalism promise us art that looks a lot like life, but it turns out that life isn't always so easy to stage.
现实主义和自然主义预示我们:艺术虽然看着很像生活 但事实证明 生活并不总是那么容易上演的
It's long; a lot of it is boring; and people normally get really miffed when you call INTERMISSION in the middle of it.
生活很漫长 而且大部分时间都很无聊 当人们看剧看的热火朝天的时候你叫他们中场休息 他们一般都会生气
Also don't get me started on the costumes. OK actually, that's pretty good.
还有 别让我穿戏服 好吧 说实话 挺不错的
This means that realistic art adopts its own less-than-exactingly-realistic conventions.
Maybe they're not as strict as neoclassicism, but they're definitely there.
或许它们没有新古典主义那么严格 但它们确实存在
Like the way that opening scenes have to establish who all the characters are, or the way that a crisis has to be instigated and then resolved.
就像 开场时就必须定下所有的角色 或者危机必须先被挑起然后再被解决
And speaking of resolution: we'll be staying in France for one more episode, to take a look at a sea change in acting and the rise of the director.
说到决定:我们将在法国再待一集 来看看演员们演技上的巨大变化以及导演行业的崛起
Until then… curtain!
下集见 闭幕!