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  • 7 Leave early. "Six and seven a.m. flights are definitely the way to go if you have to travel during peak holiday season," says Janet Semenova, cofounder of Boutique Travel Advisors.
  • 早点出发。精品旅游咨询公司联合创始人珍妮特·塞门诺娃表示,“如果你要在旺季旅行,一定要乘坐六点和七点的航班。”
  • Flights in that window are only about 8.6 minutes late on average, according to
  • 538网表示,那个时间窗口的航班平均只晚点8.6分钟。
  • 8 Get Global Entry. Traveling internationally? Global Entry can speed up your return to the United States.
  • 申请全球入境计划。要跨国旅行?全球入境计划可以加快你回到美国的速度。
  • The government-run program costs $100 for five years and includes TSA Precheck, a similar domestic program that allows people who have been approved to get through security faster.
  • 这个由政府运作的项目为期五年,费用为100美元,其中包括TSA Precheck,它是一个类似的国内项目,允许获得批准的人更快地通过安检。
  • Just bear in mind that you'll need to be interviewed and pass a background check, and it could take up to 100 days to process your application.
  • 要记住的是,你需要参加面试,通过背景调查,处理申请可能最多需要100天。
  • 9 Download the Mobile Passport app. This app is government-approved and replaces the standard declaration form you fill out when you come back into the country and go through customs.
  • 下载移动护照应用。它是政府批准的应用,可代替你回国过海关时要填写的标准申报单。
  • Just input your passport information, snap a selfie, provide your travel details, and answer the usual questions about what you're bringing into the country with you.
  • 你只需输入自己的护照信息,拍一张自拍照,提供你的旅行细节,并回答一些关于你要带什么东西入境的常见问题。
  • You'll receive an encrypted QR code that will then be reviewed by a customs officer and help speed you through airport lines.
  • 你会收到一个加密的二维码,海关人员会对其进行检查,帮助你快速通过机场线。
  • 10 Skip the liquids. The TSA can make your life miserable over toiletries.
  • 别带液体。运输安全管理局会让在化妆品上让你痛苦。
  • A solution, says former New York Times travel writer Jada Yuan, is to leave yours at home and buy what you need when you arrive.
  • 前《纽约时报》旅行专栏作家杰达·原说,一个解决办法是把你的东西留在家里,到目的地后买你需要的东西。
  • Besides, even in small quantities, liquids are heavy. Your arms will thank you for ditching the extra weight.
  • 而且,即使是少量的液体也很重。你的手臂会感谢你减掉了多余的重量。
  • 11 Skip your presents. This is a great way to avoid luggage headaches.
  • 别带礼物。这是避免为行李头痛的绝佳的办法。
  • The TSA recommends against (but doesn't forbid) bringing wrapped presents through security,
  • TSA不推荐(但是不禁止)带包装好的礼物过安检。
  • and if shipping helps you skip the dreaded baggage claim, so much the better.
  • 把礼物寄回家就不用进行可怕的行李认领,这样更好。
  • This is also a case where shopping for gifts online comes in handy.
  • 这样的话,网上购买礼物也会更方便。
  • "Have them addressed to you and tell your hosts not to open them," says Julie McCool of McCool Travel.
  • 麦库尔旅行公司的朱莉·麦库尔表示,“把它们寄给你,并且告诉主人不要打开。”
  • "Then borrow some wrapping paper when you get there."
  • “然后当你到那里的时候,借一些包装纸。”
  • If you ship the gifts yourself, Consumer Reports found that the Postal Service was cheaper than FedEx and UPS for holiday packages.
  • 如果你自己寄礼物的话,顾客报告发现,邮政服务比联邦快递和联合包裹运送节日包裹要便宜。
  • 12 Order your food in advance. The smartphone app At Your Gate allows you to order food from airport restaurants
  • 提前预定食物。旅行作家、stuckattheairport.com网站创始人哈里特·巴斯卡斯说,在你上飞机之前,
  • that you can pick up or even have delivered to you before you board, says Harriet Baskas, a travel writer and founder of
  • 你可以在智能手机应用At Your Gate上订购机场餐厅的食物,到时你可以去取,或者甚至他们可以给你配送。
  • Check the airport's website in advance to see whether the service is available there.
  • 提前查看机场的网站,看看是否有这项服务。
  • 13 Bonus tip: choo-choo! "Rail is a great way to go if it's a two- or three-hour trip," McCool says.
  • 小贴士:火车!“如果是两三个小时的旅程,坐火车是个不错的选择,”麦库尔说。
  • "It's probably going to save you time versus air travel." Amtrak lets you check cardboard boxes. Just make sure they have handles and are shipshape.
  • “与坐飞机相比,坐火车可能会节省你的时间。”美铁会让你检查纸板箱。只要确保它们有把手并且是整齐的就可以了。


7 Leave early. "Six and seven a.m. flights are definitely the way to go if you have to travel during peak holiday season," says Janet Semenova, cofounder of Boutique Travel Advisors.

Flights in that window are only about 8.6 minutes late on average, according to
8 Get Global Entry. Traveling internationally? Global Entry can speed up your return to the United States.
The government-run program costs $100 for five years and includes TSA Precheck, a similar domestic program that allows people who have been approved to get through security faster.
这个由政府运作的项目为期五年,费用为100美元,其中包括TSA Precheck,它是一个类似的国内项目,允许获得批准的人更快地通过安检。
Just bear in mind that you'll need to be interviewed and pass a background check, and it could take up to 100 days to process your application.
9 Download the Mobile Passport app. This app is government-approved and replaces the standard declaration form you fill out when you come back into the country and go through customs.
Just input your passport information, snap a selfie, provide your travel details, and answer the usual questions about what you're bringing into the country with you.
You'll receive an encrypted QR code that will then be reviewed by a customs officer and help speed you through airport lines.
10 Skip the liquids. The TSA can make your life miserable over toiletries.
A solution, says former New York Times travel writer Jada Yuan, is to leave yours at home and buy what you need when you arrive.
Besides, even in small quantities, liquids are heavy. Your arms will thank you for ditching the extra weight.


11 Skip your presents. This is a great way to avoid luggage headaches.

The TSA recommends against (but doesn't forbid) bringing wrapped presents through security,
and if shipping helps you skip the dreaded baggage claim, so much the better.
This is also a case where shopping for gifts online comes in handy.
"Have them addressed to you and tell your hosts not to open them," says Julie McCool of McCool Travel.
"Then borrow some wrapping paper when you get there."
If you ship the gifts yourself, Consumer Reports found that the Postal Service was cheaper than FedEx and UPS for holiday packages.
12 Order your food in advance. The smartphone app At Your Gate allows you to order food from airport restaurants
that you can pick up or even have delivered to you before you board, says Harriet Baskas, a travel writer and founder of
你可以在智能手机应用At Your Gate上订购机场餐厅的食物,到时你可以去取,或者甚至他们可以给你配送。
Check the airport's website in advance to see whether the service is available there.
13 Bonus tip: choo-choo! "Rail is a great way to go if it's a two- or three-hour trip," McCool says.
"It's probably going to save you time versus air travel." Amtrak lets you check cardboard boxes. Just make sure they have handles and are shipshape.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cardboard ['kɑ:dbɔ:d]


n. 厚纸板

code [kəud]


n. 码,密码,法规,准则
vt. 把 ...

shipshape ['ʃipʃeip]


adj. 整洁的,井然有序的

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

declaration [.deklə'reiʃən]


n. 宣布,宣言

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

bonus ['bəunəs]


n. 奖金,红利

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





