There is the love of boldness without the love of learning, the beclouding here leads to insubordination;
There is the love of firmness without the love of learning, the beclouding here leads to extravagant conduct."
The Master said, "My children, why do you not study the Book of Poetry?
The Odes serve to stimulate the mind, they may be used for purposes of self-contemplation,
they teach the art of sociability, they show how to regulate feelings of resentment.
From them you learn the more immediate duty of serving one's father, and the remoter one of serving one's prince,

from them we become largely acquainted with the names of birds, beasts, and plants."
The Master said to Po-yu, "Do you give yourself to the Chau-nan and the Shao-nan?
The man who has not studied the Chau-nan and the Shao-nan is like one who stands with his face right against a wall, is he not so?"
The Master said, "It is according to the rules of propriety,' they say. 'It is according to the rules of propriety,' they say,
Are gems and silk all that is meant by propriety? 'It is music,' they say. 'It is music,' they say, are hers and drums all that is meant by music?"