Confucius said: "The superior man has nine things which are subjects with him of thoughtful consideration.
In regard to the use of his eyes, he is anxious to see clearly; In regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly;
In regard to his countenance, he is anxious that it should be benign; In regard to his demeanor, he is anxious that it should be respectful;
In regard to his speech, he is anxious that it should be sincere; In regard to his doing of business, he is anxious that it should be reverently careful;
In regard to what he doubts about, he is anxious to question others; When he is angry, he thinks of the difficulties his anger may involve him in;
When he sees gain to be got, he thinks of righteousness."

Confucius said: "Contemplating good, and pursuing it, as if they could not reach it,
contemplating evil! and shrinking from it, as they would from thrusting the hand into boiling water; I have seen such men, as I have heard such words.
Living in retirement to study their aims, and practicing righteousness to carry out their principles; I have heard these words, but I have not seen such men."
The Duke Ching of Ch'i had a thousand teams, each of four horses, but on the day of his death, the people did not praise him for a single virtue.
Po-i and Shu-ch'i died of hunger at the foot of the Shau-yang mountains, and the people, down to the present time, praise them.