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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Quantity affects quality.
  • 多则劣 少则精
  • Researchers on relationships and love, the Hendricks couple (Susan & Clyde Hendrick), say,
  • 两性关系研究者亨德里克夫妇认为
  • "Love and sex are affected negatively by stress. If we can help people to simplify their lives,
  • “爱与性与压力成反比 如果我们能帮助人们简化生活
  • thus reducing their stress levels, it is very likely that people's relationships would be enriched greatly.
  • 降低压力水平 那他们关系的将会大大改善
  • Moreover, the positive aspects of their lives would be enriched accordingly."
  • 更重要的是 他们生活中的积极方面 也会相应得到提升”
  • It affects every area of our lives, whether it's our love life,
  • 它会影响我们生活的方方面面 无论是爱情生活
  • whether it's our experience with our kids, whether it's our experience doing work or reading,
  • 与孩子共处、工作、阅读、
  • spending time with friends or writing. There can be too much of a good thing.
  • 与朋友共处、写作 都可能造成过犹不及
  • So if we have lunch and we use lunch as recovery, and at the same time we are on the phone
  • 所以如果我们把午餐作为休整 同事还打电话
  • and doing email, that's not recovery; that's simply more stress.
  • 写邮件 那就不是休整了 而是更多的压力
  • But if we have just lunch and focus on our eating and enjoy it, or just spend time
  • 但如果我们只是享用午餐 享受美食 或者
  • with people we love, that's recovery. The key is focus. The same thing applies to work.
  • 只是与爱的人呆在一起 那就是休整 专注是关键 工作也是如此
  • Now it's not possible in our world today, certainly not in leadership positions which
  • 但是在当今社会 尤其是处于领导地位
  • many of you already got or will assume in the future, it's not possible to eliminate multi-tasking.
  • 你们很多人可能已经…或者将来即将体验 不可能避免多任务
  • The key though is to reduce it. Just a quick show of hands: how many people here,
  • 关键就是减少任务 我们来统计一下 在座有多少人
  • while you are doing work that requires concentration, that requires focus-whether it's writing,
  • 从事需要集中注意力的工作时 无论是写作
  • or doing reading, or anything else that requires concentration-how many people here
  • 阅读 或者其他什么需要专注的工作时
  • have their emails on at the same time?
  • 有多少人同时还开着邮箱的?


Quantity affects quality.

多则劣 少则精
Researchers on relationships and love, the Hendricks couple (Susan & Clyde Hendrick), say, "Love and sex are affected negatively by stress. If we can help people to simplify their lives, thus reducing their stress levels, it is very likely that people's relationships would be enriched greatly. Moreover, the positive aspects of their lives would be enriched accordingly."
两性关系研究者亨德里克夫妇认为 “爱与性与压力成反比 如果我们能帮助人们简化生活 降低压力水平 那他们关系的将会大大改善 更重要的是 他们生活中的积极方面 也会相应得到提升”
It affects every area of our lives, whether it's our love life, whether it's our experience with our kids, whether it's our experience doing work or reading, spending time with friends or writing. There can be too much of a good thing.
它会影响我们生活的方方面面 无论是爱情生活 与孩子共处、工作、阅读、与朋友共处、写作 都可能造成过犹不及

So if we have lunch and we use lunch as recovery, and at the same time we are on the phone and doing email, that's not recovery; that's simply more stress.

所以如果我们把午餐作为休整 同事还打电话 写邮件 那就不是休整了 而是更多的压力
But if we have just lunch and focus on our eating and enjoy it, or just spend time with people we love, that's recovery.
但如果我们只是享用午餐 享受美食 或者只是与爱的人呆在一起 那就是休整
The key is focus. The same thing applies to work. Now it's not possible in our world today, certainly not in leadership positions which many of you already got or will assume in the future, it's not possible to eliminate multi-tasking. The key though is to reduce it.
专注是关键 工作也是如此 但是在当今社会 尤其是处于领导地位 你们很多人可能已经…或者将来即将体验 不可能避免多任务 关键就是减少任务
Just a quick show of hands: how many people here, while you are doing work that requires concentration, that requires focus-whether it's writing, or doing reading, or anything else that requires concentration-how many people here have their emails on at the same time?
我们来统计一下 在座有多少人 从事需要集中注意力的工作时 无论是写作 阅读 或者其他什么需要专注的工作时 有多少人同时还开着邮箱的?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
concentration [.kɔnsen'treiʃən]


n. 集中,专心,浓度

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做

eliminate [i'limineit]


v. 除去,剔除; 忽略

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

quantity ['kwɔntiti]


n. 量,数量,大量

simplify ['simplifai]


v. 简化,使单纯
vt. 简化

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈





