And yet he is planning these hostile movements within the state.
I am afraid that the sorrow of the Chi-sun family will not be on account of Chwan-yu, but will be found within the screen of their own court."
Confucius said, "When good government prevails in the empire, ceremonies, music, and punitive military expeditions proceed from the son of Heaven.
When bad government prevails in the empire, ceremonies, music, and punitive military expeditions proceed from the princes.
When these things proceed from the princes, as a rule, the cases will be few in which they do not lose their power in ten generations;
When they proceed from the great officers of the princes, as a rule, the case will be few in which they do not lose their power in five generations;

When the subsidiary ministers of the great officers hold in their grasp the orders of the state, as a rule,
the cases will be few in which they do not lose their power in three generations.
When right principles prevail in the kingdom, government will not be in the hands of the great officers;
When right principles prevail in the kingdom, there will be no discussions among the common people."
Confucius said, "The revenue of the state has left the ducal house now for five generations, the government has been in the hands of the great officers for four generations,
On this account, the descendants of the three Hwan are much reduced."