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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Others soon joined in. Hodor began to dance all by himself, while Lord Wyman asked little Beth Cassel to partner him.
  • 其他人很快加入。阿多开始自顾自地跳舞,威曼大人则邀请小贝丝·凯索作伴。
  • For all his size, he moved gracefully. When he tired, Cley Cerwyn danced with the child in his stead.
  • 别看他那么胖,动作却优雅依然。他跳累之后,克雷·赛文便接替他和孩子舞蹈。
  • Ser Rodrik approached Lady Hornwood, but she made her excuses and took her leave.
  • 罗德利克爵士走向霍伍德伯爵夫人,但她说声抱歉,离开了。
  • Bran watched long enough to be polite, and then had Hodor summoned. He was hot and tired,
  • 为了礼节,布兰观看很久后,方才召唤阿多。他又热又累,
  • flushed from the wine, and the dancing made him sad. It was something else he could never do. "I want to go."
  • 刚喝的酒让他满脸晕红,而跳舞却让他感伤。毕竟,这又是一件他再也办不到的事啊。“我想离开了。”
  • "Hodor," Hodor shouted back, kneeling. Maester Luwin and Hayhead lifted him into his basket.
  • “阿多,”阿多吼道,同时跪在地上。鲁温师傅和稻草头合力把他抱进篮子。
  • The folk of Winterfell had seen this sight half a hundred times, but doubtless
  • 临冬城的居民对这样的景象早已司空见惯,
  • it looked queer to the guests, some of whom were more curious than polite. Bran felt the stares.
  • 可对外人而言,无疑还很新鲜。想必有些客人的好奇心会超过礼仪的约束,布兰感觉得到他们的目光。
  • They went out the rear rather than walk the length of the hall, Bran ducking his head as they passed through the lord's door.
  • 好在他没有穿越走道,而是从后门出去,经过这道领主门时布兰连忙低头。
  • In the dim-lit gallery outside the Great Hall, they came upon Joseth the master of horse engaged in a different sort of riding.
  • 厅外昏暗的走廊里,马房总管乔赛斯也在进行一场特殊的骑乘活动。
  • He had some woman Bran did not know shoved up against the wall, her skirts around her waist.
  • 他把一位布兰不认识的女人推到墙边,裙子卷上腰际。
  • She was giggling until Hodor stopped to watch. Then she screamed. "Leave them be, Hodor," Bran had to tell him. "Take me to my bedchamber."
  • 女人一直咯咯笑闹,可眼见阿多停下来关注,便开始尖叫。“别管他们,阿多,”布兰告诉他,“带我回房。”


Others soon joined in. Hodor began to dance all by himself, while Lord Wyman asked little Beth Cassel to partner him. For all his size, he moved gracefully. When he tired, Cley Cerwyn danced with the child in his stead. Ser Rodrik approached Lady Hornwood, but she made her excuses and took her leave. Bran watched long enough to be polite, and then had Hodor summoned. He was hot and tired, flushed from the wine, and the dancing made him sad. It was something else he could never do. "I want to go."


"Hodor," Hodor shouted back, kneeling. Maester Luwin and Hayhead lifted him into his basket. The folk of Winterfell had seen this sight half a hundred times, but doubtless it looked queer to the guests, some of whom were more curious than polite. Bran felt the stares.

They went out the rear rather than walk the length of the hall, Bran ducking his head as they passed through the lord's door. In the dim-lit gallery outside the Great Hall, they came upon Joseth the master of horse engaged in a different sort of riding. He had some woman Bran did not know shoved up against the wall, her skirts around her waist. She was giggling until Hodor stopped to watch. Then she screamed. "Leave them be, Hodor," Bran had to tell him. "Take me to my bedchamber."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的



adv. 优雅地;温文地

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的





