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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Ser Rodrik was right beside Bran. "Do they truly eat frogs?" he asked the old knight.
  • 坐在身边的是罗德利克爵士。“他们真的吃青蛙?”他问老骑士。
  • "Aye," Ser Rodrik said. "Frogs and fish and lizard-lions, and all manner of birds."
  • “是啊。”罗德利克爵士说,“吃青蛙,鱼,蜥狮,以及各种各样的野禽。”
  • Maybe they don't have sheep and cattle, Bran thought. He commanded the serving men
  • 他们那里或许没有牛羊吧,布兰心想。于是他指令仆人
  • to bring them mutton chops and a slice off the aurochs and fill their trenchers with beef-and-barley stew.
  • 为他们送去羊排,烤野牛肉片和整盘的大麦炖牛肉。
  • They seemed to like that well enough. The girl caught him staring at her and smiled. Bran blushed and looked away.
  • 看来他们相当满意。女孩发现他注视着她,便报以微笑。布兰红了脸,别开头去。
  • Much later, after all the sweets had been served and washed down with gallons of summerwine,
  • 又过了许久,当所有甜食上完,人们就着大杯夏日红咽下去之后,
  • the food was cleared and the tables shoved back against the walls to make room for the dancing.
  • 仆人们便清空残羹剩食,把桌子推到墙边,留出跳舞的空间。
  • The music grew wilder, the drummers joined in, and Hother Umber brought forth a huge curved warhorn banded in silver.
  • 音乐愈加狂放,鼓手们参加进来。霍瑟·安柏亲提一只巨型的镶银弯战角,
  • When the singer reached the part in "The Night That Ended" where the Night's Watch rode forth to meet the Others
  • 待歌手们唱起“终结长夜”——说的是守夜人与异鬼的
  • in the Battle for the Dawn, he blew a blast that set all the dogs to barking.
  • 黎明之战——这歌谣时,他用力吹奏应和,全厅的狗跟着狂吠。
  • Two Glover men began a spinning skirl on bladder and woodharp. Mors Umber was the first on his feet.
  • 两个葛洛佛的人——。但莫尔斯·安柏是第一个站起来行动的人。
  • He seized a passing serving girl by the arm, knocking the flagon of wine out of her hands to shatter on the floor.
  • 他伸手抓住一位路过的女仆,将她手中的酒壶打飞在地,摔得粉碎。
  • Amidst the rushes and bones and bits of bread that littered the stone, he whirled her and spun her and tossed her in the air.
  • 在扔满灯心草、骨头和面包屑的石地板上,他引领着她,旋转着她,把她在空中抛来抛去。
  • The girl squealed with laughter and turned red as her skirts swirled and lifted.
  • 女孩欢快地尖叫,又因旋开提起的裙子而羞得满脸通红。


Ser Rodrik was right beside Bran. "Do they truly eat frogs?" he asked the old knight.

"Aye," Ser Rodrik said. "Frogs and fish and lizard-lions, and all manner of birds."
Maybe they don't have sheep and cattle, Bran thought. He commanded the serving men to bring them mutton chops and a slice off the aurochs and fill their trenchers with beef-and-barley stew. They seemed to like that well enough. The girl caught him staring at her and smiled. Bran blushed and looked away.

Much later, after all the sweets had been served and washed down with gallons of summerwine, the food was cleared and the tables shoved back against the walls to make room for the dancing. The music grew wilder, the drummers joined in, and Hother Umber brought forth a huge curved warhorn banded in silver. When the singer reached the part in "The Night That Ended" where the Night's Watch rode forth to meet the Others in the Battle for the Dawn, he blew a blast that set all the dogs to barking.

Two Glover men began a spinning skirl on bladder and woodharp. Mors Umber was the first on his feet. He seized a passing serving girl by the arm, knocking the flagon of wine out of her hands to shatter on the floor. Amidst the rushes and bones and bits of bread that littered the stone, he whirled her and spun her and tossed her in the air. The girl squealed with laughter and turned red as her skirts swirled and lifted.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slice [slais]


n. 薄片,切片
vt. 切成薄片,削

stew [stju:]


n. 炖汤,焖,烦恼 v. 炖汤,焖,忧虑



adj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 n. 倒弧角 vt. 弯曲(c

shatter ['ʃætə]


n. 碎片,乱七八糟的状态
vt. 打碎,破掉

cattle ['kætl]


n. 牛,家畜,畜牲

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位





