Read every book I could find. Talked to any person who I thought knew about it. Used the strength and then applied it to what had been a weakness of mine.
Or relationships. Let's say we are going through a difficulty in relationship. And one of my top strengths is for example, authenticity. And then how can I use my authenticity in my interactions with my partner- and that will lead to higher levels of intimacy and improve the relationship in the long run, which is exactly what I did. One of my top strengths- and applied it to cultivating more intimacy.

Think of your own example. Again, this will not be a response paper, but I highly recommend and urge you to apply it.
Let's put some of these ideas together. Let's look at the decisions that some of you are making right now or will be making in the future, whether it's next year or three years from now, or 20 or 40 years from now.
让我们来汇总一下这些概念,让我们看看你们现在或者将来会做的决定,无论是明年、或是三年之后、或者20年 40年以后
How do you make decisions and how do you- what may be a helpful framework for identifying a self-concordant journey as well as outcome?