But much higher for me is the love of learning. So take the online test. Identify from there your ten top ones- they recommend top five. I recommend anywhere between 8 and 12. And take these 8 to 12 strengths. Read their descriptions- what they mean, what they are about, what they say about you.
And then ask yourself: which ones, which five- or it could be four, or it could be six, but more or less five- which five fulfill the criteria that we discussed earlier? Namely, which are the real me? Or which ones, when I'm engaging them I feel more energized and motivated? Or which ones do I grow and develop most from?

And from these 8 to 12 strengths, identify 4 to 6 that most fulfill these strengths criteria. And then choose any one of the character strengths from your final list and apply it, meaning every day for the following 7 days- and again, this will be your task for the next week- apply these character strengths.
Every day for the 7 days after that, that will be up to you and hopefully you will cultivate a ritual, a habit out of it, apply the next character strength or the same character strength in a different way.