Level: upper-intermediate
Q&A Round 2 [continued]
Can you mention some habits or practices that are easy to maintain in our daily life to help us keep healthy?
Eat every 3 to 3.5 hours 每隔3-3.5小时进食一次
He's gonna get it at regular intervals.
Protein shake 蛋白粉
Adam说,这个小窍门是Carbo-cycling 碳水化合物代谢理论的一个小部分而已。
Carbohydrate 碳水化合物
If we don't get hungry, we'll be able to control our urges much better[控制欲望] and we'll do a better job staying away from chocolate and cola, or whatever. 保持不饥饿的好处,让我们能更好地控制欲望,远离巧克力、可乐(等高热量食品)。
The metabolism will be too busy to convert any food you gave it into fat. 新陈代谢系统过于繁忙,无力应对你给的事物,也就不能把它们变成脂肪了。
If you eat five pizzas in one day, you will definitely become fat. It doesn't really matter how you eat it.
所以,make sure the portions you eat are small enough so that your body can metabolize them quite easily.
Metabolize vt. 使新陈代谢
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