This better-safe-than-sorry approach has led to unnecessary treatment, which might now be avoided.
An earlier arm of TAILORx showed that women with low risk of recurrence (scores below 10) might not need chemotherapy;
now more than 60,000 women in the U.S. with intermediate risk scores up to 25 can be added to that group.
“Chemo is not killing any more cancer cells than are being killed by hormone therapy,” says Norton.
“I don’t see chemo playing a role in this setting at all.”
This new treatment strategy applies mostly to women older than 50, who are usually past menopause,
when levels of estrogen, which feeds breast tumors, start to drop.
For younger women with intermediate risk scores (16 to 25),
there may still be some benefit to relying on chemotherapy
since it may push them into early menopause and lower their exposure to estrogen.

THE RESULTS MAY HERALD a new era in which doctors make smarter decisions about how much is enough when treating certain cancers.
“This is the dawn of the de-escalation era,” says Hurvitz.
“We need to move forward looking for ways to deescalate therapy
that is not just limiting quality of life but also potentially harming patients.”
That streamlining can also contribute to cost savings.
The Oncotype DX test runs about $3,000 to $4,000 (covered by most insurers),
Oncotype DX检测的费用为3000~4000美元(大多数保险公司都有覆盖),
but for tens of thousands of women it could potentially spare them from chemotherapy, which can cost, on average, $20,000.
Even apart from the financial benefit, for women like Lacetti, the findings provide welcome reassurance
that they can avoid a dreaded part of cancer care that comes with serious side effects and long-term health consequences.
“It’s wonderful,” she says.
“My sister had to quit her job to do chemo and stayed in the hospital for 11 months.
I’m able to keep my job and spend more time with my family.
I’m glad they had this study, and I’m glad I was able to be a part of it.”