There is a saying, however, which people have -'To be a prince is difficult; to be a minister is not easy.'
"If a ruler knows this, the difficulty of being a prince, may there not be expected from this one sentence the prosperity of his country?"
The duke then said, "Is there a single sentence which can ruin a country?"
Confucius replied, "Such an effect as that cannot be expected from one sentence.
There is, however, the saying which people have-'I have no pleasure in being a prince, but only in that no one can offer any opposition to what I say!'

If a ruler's words be good, is it not also good that no one oppose them?
But if they are not good, and no one opposes them, may there not be expected from this one sentence the ruin of his country?"
The Duke of Sheh asked about government, the Master said, "Good government obtains when those who are near are made happy, and those who are far off are attracted."
Tsze-hsia! being governor of Chu-fu, asked about government, the Master said, "Do not be desirous to have things done quickly, do not look at small advantages.
Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly, looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished."