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经济学人:一周要闻 英国无法按时脱欧

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  • Saad Hariri, the prime minister of Lebanon, resigned amid demonstrations over the struggling economy and poor governance.
  • 黎巴嫩总理萨阿德·哈里里(Saad Hariri)因经济困境和治理不善引发的示威活动而辞职。
  • Some fear his resignation will benefit Hizbullah, the Shia militia-cum-political-party, whose thugs have tried to break up the protests.
  • 一些人担心他的辞职会给真主党带来好处,这个什叶派民兵兼政党的暴徒曾试图驱散抗议活动。
  • Protests resumed in Iraq, where dozens of people were killed by the security forces and other armed groups.
  • 伊拉克的抗议活动重新开始,数十人被安全部队和其他武装组织杀害。
  • In the holy city of Karbala masked gunmen reportedly shot dead 18 people. The protesters are angry about corruption, a lack of jobs and poor services.
  • 据报道,蒙面枪手在圣城卡尔巴拉开枪打死18人。抗议者对腐败、缺乏就业机会和糟糕的服务感到愤怒。
  • Mozambique's main opposition party asked the courts to annul the result of the recent presidential election, which the incumbent, Filipe Nyusi, won with 73% of the vote.
  • 莫桑比克主要的反对党要求法院撤销最近总统选举的结果,现任总统菲利佩·纽西以73%的选票赢得了这次选举。
  • The election has rekindled enmity between the ruling and opposition parties, which signed a peace deal in August.
  • 选举重新引发了执政党和反对党之间的敌对状态,他们曾在8月签署了一项和平协议。
  • Boris Johnson, Britain's prime minister, admitted that he could not "get Brexit done" by October 31st, and called a general election.
  • 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊承认,他无法在10月31日前“完成脱欧”,并呼吁举行大选。
  • The EU granted an extension until January 31st. Jeremy Corbyn, the far-left leader of the opposition Labour Party, reversed course and acquiesced to the election.
  • 欧盟同意将期限延长至1月31日。反对党工党(Labour Party)的极左领袖杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)一改常态,默许了这次大选。
  • The date was set for December 12th.
  • 日期定在12月12日。
  • Voters will not directly be asked whether they approve of Mr Johnson's hard Brexit deal,
  • 选民不会直接被问及是否支持约翰逊的“硬退欧”协议,
  • which bears little resemblance to what they were promised in the Brexit referendum in 2016.
  • 该协议与他们在2016年英国退欧公投中得到的承诺几乎没有相似之处。
  • America's House of Representatives voted to recognise the mass slaughter of Armenians by Turks during the first world war as genocide.
  • 美国众议院投票承认第一次世界大战期间土耳其人对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀为种族灭绝。
  • The vote took place on Turkey's national day. US-Turkish relations, already strained by Turkey's invasion of northern Syria, grew more so.
  • 投票是在土耳其国庆日进行的。因土耳其入侵叙利亚北部而紧张的美土关系进一步恶化。
  • Die Linke, a German far-left party that descends from the East German Communists, won a state election in Thuringia.
  • 来自东德共产党的德国极左党派Die Linke赢得了图林根州的选举。
  • The far-right Alternative for Germany came second. Collectively, centrist parties won less than half the vote.
  • 极右翼政党德国新选择党位居第二。中间派政党总共赢得了不到半数的选票。
  • In another upset, Italy's Northern League led an anti-immigration populist coalition to victory in an election in Umbria,
  • 在另一场混乱选举中,意大利北方联盟领导一个反移民民粹主义联盟在翁布里亚的选举中大获全胜,
  • a hitherto solidly left-wing region, defeating an alliance led by the country's ruling Democratic Party and Five Star Movement.
  • 一举击败由执政的民主党(Democratic Party)和五星运动(Five Star Movement)领导的联盟。翁布里亚是迄今为止立场坚定的左翼地区。
  • Millions of people in northern California were again left without power, as wildfires, whipped up by strong, hot winds, raged around the Bay Area and surrounding counties.
  • 加州北部数百万人再次陷入停电,野火在强劲的热风推动下在海湾和周边县肆虐。
  • The local utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, has imposed the blackouts because of worries that its power lines may spark the flames.
  • 当地公用事业公司太平洋燃气电力公司已经实施了停电措施,因为他们担心输电线可能会引发火灾。
  • The Los Angeles area also battled wildfires.
  • 洛杉矶地区也在与野火作斗争。
  • A ban on most abortions in Alabama was blocked by a federal judge, two weeks before it was due to come into force.
  • 在阿拉巴马州,一项禁止大多数堕胎的禁令被一名联邦法官否决,原本该禁令将于两周后生效。
  • That makes it likelier that the Supreme Court will tackle the issue, which is what the ban's proponents want.
  • 这使得最高法院更有可能解决这一问题,而这正是禁令的支持者想看到的场景。
  • John Kelly, Donald Trump's former chief of staff, said he had advised him not to employ a "yes man" as his replacement, as that would lead to the president's impeachment.
  • 特朗普的前幕僚长约翰·凯利(John Kelly)表示,他曾建议特朗普不要雇佣一个“万事附和”的人来接替他,因为那样会导致总统被弹劾。
  • Mr Trump's press secretary said Mr Kelly had been "totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president".
  • 特朗普的新闻秘书表示,凯利“凯利完全没有能力应付我们伟大的总统”。


Saad Hariri, the prime minister of Lebanon, resigned amid demonstrations over the struggling economy and poor governance. Some fear his resignation will benefit Hizbullah, the Shia militia-cum-political-party, whose thugs have tried to break up the protests.

黎巴嫩总理萨阿德·哈里里(Saad Hariri)因经济困境和治理不善引发的示威活动而辞职。一些人担心他的辞职会给真主党带来好处,这个什叶派民兵兼政党的暴徒曾试图驱散抗议活动。
Protests resumed in Iraq, where dozens of people were killed by the security forces and other armed groups. In the holy city of Karbala masked gunmen reportedly shot dead 18 people. The protesters are angry about corruption, a lack of jobs and poor services.
Mozambiques main opposition party asked the courts to annul the result of the recent presidential election, which the incumbent, Filipe Nyusi, won with 73% of the vote. The election has rekindled enmity between the ruling and opposition parties, which signed a peace deal in August.


Boris Johnson, Britains prime minister, admitted that he could notget Brexit doneby October 31st, and called a general election. The EU granted an extension until January 31st. Jeremy Corbyn, the far-left leader of the opposition Labour Party, reversed course and acquiesced to the election. The date was set for December 12th. Voters will not directly be asked whether they approve of Mr Johnsons hard Brexit deal, which bears little resemblance to what they were promised in the Brexit referendum in 2016.

英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊承认,他无法在10月31日前“完成脱欧”,并呼吁举行大选。欧盟同意将期限延长至1月31日。反对党工党(Labour Party)的极左领袖杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)一改常态,默许了这次大选。日期定在12月12日。选民不会直接被问及是否支持约翰逊的“硬退欧”协议,该协议与他们在2016年英国退欧公投中得到的承诺几乎没有相似之处。
Americas House of Representatives voted to recognise the mass slaughter of Armenians by Turks during the first world war as genocide. The vote took place on Turkeys national day. US-Turkish relations, already strained by Turkeys invasion of northern Syria, grew more so.
Die Linke, a German far-left party that descends from the East German Communists, won a state election in Thuringia. The far-right Alternative for Germany came second. Collectively, centrist parties won less than half the vote.
来自东德共产党的德国极左党派Die Linke赢得了图林根州的选举。极右翼政党德国新选择党位居第二。中间派政党总共赢得了不到半数的选票。
In another upset, Italys Northern League led an anti-immigration populist coalition to victory in an election in Umbria, a hitherto solidly left-wing region, defeating an alliance led by the countrys ruling Democratic Party and Five Star Movement.
在另一场混乱选举中,意大利北方联盟领导一个反移民民粹主义联盟在翁布里亚的选举中大获全胜,一举击败由执政的民主党(Democratic Party)和五星运动(Five Star Movement)领导的联盟。翁布里亚是迄今为止立场坚定的左翼地区。
The burning Golden State
Millions of people in northern California were again left without power, as wildfires, whipped up by strong, hot winds, raged around the Bay Area and surrounding counties. The local utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, has imposed the blackouts because of worries that its power lines may spark the flames. The Los Angeles area also battled wildfires.
A ban on most abortions in Alabama was blocked by a federal judge, two weeks before it was due to come into force. That makes it likelier that the Supreme Court will tackle the issue, which is what the bans proponents want.
John Kelly, Donald Trumps former chief of staff, said he had advised him not to employ ayes manas his replacement, as that would lead to the presidents impeachment. Mr Trumps press secretary said Mr Kelly had beentotally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president”.
特朗普的前幕僚长约翰·凯利(John Kelly)表示,他曾建议特朗普不要雇佣一个“万事附和”来接替他,因为那样会导致总统被弹劾。特朗普的新闻秘书表示,凯利“凯利完全没有能力应付我们伟大的总统”。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去

extension [iks'tenʃən]


n. 伸展,延长,扩充,电话分机

hitherto ['hiðə'tu:]


adv. 到目前为止,迄今

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

incumbent [in'kʌmbənt]


adj. 凭依的,依靠的,负有义务的 n. 领圣职的俸禄





