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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "This kind." She kicked him in the side, but it only made him laugh harder.
  • “就是这种!”她踢他侧身,他却笑得更厉害。
  • "You laugh all you like. I'm going to see who's in the village." The sun had already fallen below the trees;
  • “你爱笑就笑个够,我去看看村里有什么人。”太阳已经没入树丛,
  • dusk would be on them in no time at all. For once it was Gendry who had to hurry after. "You smell that?" she asked.
  • 黄昏很快便会降临。这回轮到詹德利快步跟上了。“你闻到了吗?”她问。
  • He sniffed the air. "Rotten fish?"
  • 他嗅了嗅,“死鱼?”
  • "You know it's not."
  • “你明知不是。”
  • "We better be careful. I'll go around west, see if there's some road. There must be if you saw a wagon.
  • “我们最好小心点。我从西边绕过去,找找有没有路。既然你看到马车,一定有路可走。
  • You take the shore. If you need help, bark like a dog."
  • 你从岸边走,如果需要帮忙,就学狗叫。”
  • "That's stupid. If I need help, I'll shout help." She darted away, bare feet silent in the grass.
  • “那太笨啦,如果需要帮忙,我会喊的。”她箭步跑开,赤脚在草地上寂静无声。
  • When she glanced back over her shoulder, he was watching her with that pained look on his face that meant he was thinking.
  • 当她回头张望,发觉他正盯着自己,脸上是那个思考时标志性的痛苦表情。
  • He's probably thinking that he shouldn't be letting m'lady go stealing food. Arya just knew he was going to be stupid now.
  • 他心里大概认为不该让淑女出去偷东西吃吧。艾莉亚直觉地认定他会开始做蠢事了。
  • The smell grew stronger as she got closer to the village. It did not smell like rotten fish to her.
  • 离村庄愈近,味道便愈浓烈。她觉得闻起来不像死鱼,
  • This stench was ranker, fouler. She wrinkled her nose.
  • 与之相较更为恶臭难闻,她忍不住皱起鼻子。
  • Where the trees began to thin, she used the undergrowth, slipping from bush to bush quiet as a shadow.
  • 林木开始稀疏,她改钻灌木丛,在矮丛间滑动,静如影。
  • Every few yards she stopped to listen.
  • 每走几码,她便停下来侧耳倾听。


"This kind." She kicked him in the side, but it only made him laugh harder. "You laugh all you like. I'm going to see who's in the village." The sun had already fallen below the trees; dusk would be on them in no time at all. For once it was Gendry who had to hurry after. "You smell that?" she asked.

He sniffed the air. "Rotten fish?"
"You know it's not."
"We better be careful. I'll go around west, see if there's some road. There must be if you saw a wagon. You take the shore. If you need help, bark like a dog."

"That's stupid. If I need help, I'll shout help." She darted away, bare feet silent in the grass. When she glanced back over her shoulder, he was watching her with that pained look on his face that meant he was thinking. He's probably thinking that he shouldn't be letting m'lady go stealing food. Arya just knew he was going to be stupid now.

The smell grew stronger as she got closer to the village. It did not smell like rotten fish to her. This stench was ranker, fouler. She wrinkled her nose.
Where the trees began to thin, she used the undergrowth, slipping from bush to bush quiet as a shadow. Every few yards she stopped to listen.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
rotten ['rɔtn]


adj. 腐烂的,腐朽的

wagon ['wægən]


n. 四轮马车,货车
v. 用四轮马车运

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮





