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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • My teacher Ohad Kamin, when I graduated from college,
  • 我的老师欧哈德·卡明在我大学毕业时,
  • and I was debating- I didn't know which direction to go,
  • 我不知道何去何从,
  • said to me the following- he said: "here is the advice from a 50 year old. "
  • 而我的老师给我说了这话:“这是一个50岁的人给你的建议”
  • He was 50 at the time. He said, "Identify the things that you can do.
  • 他当时50岁。他说“找出你能做的事,
  • And then out of those, identify the things that you want to do.
  • 然后再从中找出你想做的事,
  • And list them down. Make a list- long or short, whatever it is.
  • 把它们一一写下来,写张清单,长短都无所谓。
  • Now out of the things you want to do, identify those things that you really want to do.
  • 接着从你想做的事中找出你最想做的事,
  • And then look at them, and out of those things, identify those
  • 看着这些,从中找出
  • that you really really want to do and then do them."
  • 你最最想做的事,然后就做那些事”
  • One of the best advices that I got. Very simple. But so important.
  • 那是我得到过的最好的建议。非常简单,但非常重要。
  • Again it's to take time aside and to think about those things.
  • 这需要花点时间,认真想想这些事
  • So what are my self-concordant goals? What is the interest of me? What is valuable to me?
  • 那我的自我和谐目标是什么呢?我的兴趣是什么?什么对我最具价值?
  • What am I passionate about? What do I want to rather than feel that I have to do?
  • 我对什么有激情?我想做什么,而不是我得做什么
  • And sometimes the answers are not easy answers. Sometimes the answers
  • 有时答案并不简单,有时答案
  • are not answers that I want to hear. And the implications, the ? that are following that path
  • 并不中听。而其中的含义…接下来的路
  • may not be as pleasant initially, because it made me going against the grain.
  • 可能没有最初的好走,因为它越来越崎岖不平
  • It made me doing something that yields difficulties from other people
  • 它让我去做一些困难的事情、别人
  • or from the environment. It may not be the most popular choice.
  • 或环境所造成的困难,可能不是最受欢迎的选择


My teacher Ohad Kamin, when I graduated from college, and I was debating- I didn't know which direction to go, said to me the following- he said: "here is the advice from a 50 year old. " - He was 50 at the time.

He said, "Identify the things that you can do. And then out of those, identify the things that you want to do. And list them down. Make a list- long or short, whatever it is. Now out of the things you want to do, identify those things that you really want to do. And then look at them, and out of those things, identify those that you really really want to do and then do them."

One of the best advices that I got. Very simple. But so important. Again it's to take time aside and to think about those things.

So what are my self-concordant goals? What is the interest of me? What is valuable to me? What am I passionate about? What do I want to rather than feel that I have to do?
And sometimes the answers are not easy answers. Sometimes the answers are not answers that I want to hear. And the implications, the ? that are following that path may not be as pleasant initially, because it made me going against the grain.
It made me doing something that yields difficulties from other people or from the environment. It may not be the most popular choice.




