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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • or let's say you want to buy specific car. Suddenly you see that specific car all around you while you didn't see it before.
  • 或是说你想买某种车,一时间,你会发现到处是这种车,你以前从没看过的
  • Why? Because we co-create our reality through our questions to a great extent.
  • 为什么?因为我们一起创造现实,通过大胆地提出疑问
  • Remember the children on the bus were there all along, but you didn't see them until I presented a goal to you which was
  • 还记得一直在车上的那些孩子吗?你们没看到他们,直到我设下目标
  • to count the number of children on the bus And then suddenly it was so clear that it was right in front your eyes.
  • 让你们数出车上的孩子数量,然后孩子们就变得显而易见,就在你眼前
  • Before, they didn't exist for you. That's what a goal does. If I declare that I have to get over the wall,
  • 而之前你们就当他们不存在,这就是目标所起的作用。如果我宣布,我要越过这道墙
  • and my question is "how do I get over this wall". It's not thinking about "is it possible or is it not possible". It's rather
  • 我的问题就是“要如何越过这道墙”,而不是去想“这是否有可能”
  • "how can I get over this wall". This question opens up opportunities, many of which I have not seen before.
  • 而是想“我要怎样越过它”。这个问题开启了无数机会,有很多是我之前没发现的机会
  • Suddenly the children on the bus are right in front of me. Suddenly a hole in the wall is right in front of me.
  • 忽然间,车上的孩子就出现在我眼前;忽然间,墙上的一个洞出现在我眼前;
  • Suddenly I see a sledgehammer that I didn't see before, right next to me.
  • 忽然间,我看到了一把之前没看到的锤子就在我旁边
  • Necessity is the mother of inventions. If we ask the right questions, it opens up opportunities.
  • 必需品是发明创造的源泉,如果我们问对了问题,就能开启无数机会
  • The other thing that's at work here is the power of the word: words create worlds.
  • 另一件起作用的东西是,言语的力量
  • Let there be light. We've seen it in religion. And there was light. Words create the world.
  • 言语创造世界,要有光。我们在宗教中看过这典故,上帝说要有光,就有光。言语创造世界
  • Book of John: in the beginning was the word.
  • “约翰福音”中写道:一开始先有言语


or let's say you want to buy specific car. Suddenly you see that specific car all around you while you didn't see it before. Why? Because we co-create our reality through our questions to a great extent.

Remember the children on the bus were there all along, but you didn't see them until I presented a goal to you which was to count the number of children on the bus And then suddenly it was so clear that it was right in front your eyes. Before, they didn't exist for you. That's what a goal does.

If I declare that I have to get over the wall, and my question is "how do I get over this wall". It's not thinking about "is it possible or is it not possible". It's rather "how can I get over this wall". This question opens up opportunities, many of which I have not seen before.

Suddenly the children on the bus are right in front of me. Suddenly a hole in the wall is right in front of me. Suddenly I see a sledgehammer that I didn't see before, right next to me.
Necessity is the mother of inventions. If we ask the right questions, it opens up opportunities.
The other thing that's at work here is the power of the word: words create worlds. Let there be light. We've seen it in religion. And there was light. Words create the world. Book of John: in the beginning was the word.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
necessity [ni'sesiti]


n. 需要,必需品,必然

declare [di'klɛə]


v. 宣布,声明,申报

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特





