Dress to Impress. I'm 82 and like to dress nicely whenever I go out.
One morning, I donned a new peach-hued golf shirt and navy-blue Bermudas.
I thought I looked pretty sharp. While standing in line at the deli counter,
an attractive young woman approached me and asked, "Do you mind if I take a picture?"
Surprised and flattered, I replied, "Of course not." As I struck a casual pose and gave her a wide smile, she took a picture of my flashy four-wheel walker.
"I've been looking for something like this for my grandfather," she said. "Thanks very much."

Midnight Snack. We had recently installed a cat door on the back door of our house, but our four kitties couldn't figure out how to use it.
Late one night, I heard a loud crunching and wondered which of the cats was eating at that hour.
I got up to check, and there was a large possum by the cat bowl—he had come into the house through the cat door.
When I startled him, the cats watched him leave, and by golly, they finally figured out the cat door. Thank you, Mr. Possum. Your work here is done.
In-Flight Playdate. On a recent flight, I sat next to a mom with a baby on her lap and a slightly older son.
She was having trouble holding the baby while helping her son and herself, so I offered to hold the baby.
Baby and I hit it off—so much so that when Mom reached to take her back, Baby started screaming! So Mom left her with me.
For two hours, we played tickle and moved the tray table up and down.
After we landed, I handed Baby back. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but Mom smiled.