In bed, he did not lie like a corpse, At home, he did not put on any formal deportment.
When he saw any one in a mourning dress, though it might be an acquaintance, he would change countenance;
when he saw any one wearing the cap of full dress, or a blind person, though he might be in his undress, he would salute him in a ceremonious manner.
To any person in mourning he bowed forward to the crossbar of his carriage, he bowed in the same way to any one bearing the tables of population.
When he was at an entertainment where there was an abundance of provisions set before him, he would change countenance and rise up.

On a sudden clap of thunder, or a violent wind, he would change countenance.
When he was about to mount his carriage, he would stand straight, holding the cord.
When he was in the carriage, he did not turn his head quite round, he did not talk hastily, he did not point with his hands.
Seeing the countenance, it instantly rises, It flies round, and by and by settles.
The Master said, "There is the hen-pheasant on the hill bridge, At its season! At its season!" Tsze-lu made a motion to it, Thrice it smelt him and then rose.