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经济学人:一周要闻 全球股市持续承压

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  • The world this week
  • 本周要闻
  • Business
  • 商业
  • Spooked by concerns over trade, geopolitical tensions and the possibility of recession, stockmarkets had their worst day of the year so far.
  • 由于担心贸易、地缘政治紧张局势和经济衰退的可能性,股市经历了今年以来最糟糕的一天。
  • The s&p 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ indices all fell by 3% in a day.
  • 标准普尔500指数、道琼斯工业平均指数和纳斯达克指数都在一天内下跌了3%。
  • In Europe the DAX was down by 2.2% and the FTSE 100 by 1.4%.
  • 欧洲达克斯指数下跌2.2%,富时100指数下跌1.4%。
  • Investors were particularly concerned by the yield on long-term American government bonds falling below that on short-term bonds for the first time since 2007.
  • 投资者尤为担心的是,美国长期国债收益率自2007年以来首次跌破短期国债收益率。
  • Such a yield-curve inversion is usually seen as a harbinger of a downturn.
  • 这种收益率曲线反转通常被视为经济衰退的先兆。
  • Also weighing on markets was news that Germany's GDP shrank by 0.1% in the second quarter compared with the previous three months,
  • 另一个令市场承压的消息是,德国第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)较第一季度缩水0.1%,
  • underlining the recent fall in German exports and industrial output.
  • 凸显出德国出口和工业产出近期的下滑。
  • Britain's economy also shrank in the second quarter, by 0.2%, the first contraction of British GDP since the end of 2012.
  • 英国经济在第二季度也缩水了0.2%,这是自2012年底以来英国GDP的首次收缩。
  • Meanwhile, the growth rate of Chinese industrial output slowed to 4.8% in July compared with the same month last year.
  • 与此同时,中国7月份工业产值同比增速放缓至4.8%。
  • That was the slowest pace in more than 17 years and more evidence of the chilling effects of the trade war on the Chinese economy.
  • 这是17年多来的最低增速,也进一步证明了贸易战对中国经济的寒蝉效应。
  • Earlier in the week, despondent markets had lifted when the Trump administration said it would postpone a 10% tariff on some Chinese imports until December 15th.
  • 本周早些时候,当特朗普政府表示将把对部分中国进口商品征收10%的关税推迟到12月15日时,沮丧的市场有所回升。
  • The list of goods includes smartphones, laptops, video-game consoles and toys, which Donald Trump suggested would benefit shoppers in the run-up to Christmas.
  • 这份清单上的商品包括智能手机、笔记本电脑、视频游戏机和玩具,特朗普表示,这些商品将在圣诞节前让消费者们受益。
  • The delay applies to two-thirds of the products subjected to this particular levy.
  • 延期适用于三分之二需缴纳这项特别征税的产品。
  • A 10% tariff will be collected on the other Chinese goods from September 1st.
  • 从9月1日起,将对中国其他商品征收10%的关税。
  • South Korea removed Japan from its list of trusted trading partners, escalating a trade dispute between the pair
  • 韩国将日本从其值得信赖的贸易伙伴名单中除名,此举加剧了两国之间的贸易争端
  • (Japan dropped South Korea's preferential trading status earlier this month).
  • (本月早些时候,日本取消了韩国的优惠贸易地位)。
  • Trade between the two countries will now have to go through more red tape.
  • 两国之间的贸易现在将不得不经历更多的繁文缛节。
  • Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's state oil company, is to take a 20% stake in the refining and chemicals assets owned by Reliance Industries, an Indian conglomerate.
  • 沙特国有石油公司——沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司将持有印度企业集团信实工业(Reliance Industries)炼油和化工资产20%的股份。
  • The deal, which is still being negotiated, deepens existing ties between the companies and will be one of the biggest foreign investments in India to date.
  • 该交易仍在谈判中,这将加深两家公司之间的现有关系,并将成为迄今为止印度最大的外国投资之一。


The world this week

Spooked by concerns over trade, geopolitical tensions and the possibility of recession, stockmarkets had their worst day of the year so far. The s&p 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ indices all fell by 3% in a day. In Europe the DAX was down by 2.2% and the FTSE 100 by 1.4%. Investors were particularly concerned by the yield on long-term American government bonds falling below that on short-term bonds for the first time since 2007. Such a yield-curve inversion is usually seen as a harbinger of a downturn.
Also weighing on markets was news that Germanys GDP shrank by 0.1% in the second quarter compared with the previous three months, underlining the recent fall in German exports and industrial output. Britains economy also shrank in the second quarter, by 0.2%, the first contraction of British GDP since the end of 2012.


Meanwhile, the growth rate of Chinese industrial output slowed to 4.8% in July compared with the same month last year. That was the slowest pace in more than 17 years and more evidence of the chilling effects of the trade war on the Chinese economy.

Earlier in the week, despondent markets had lifted when the Trump administration said it would postpone a 10% tariff on some Chinese imports until December 15th. The list of goods includes smartphones, laptops, video-game consoles and toys, which Donald Trump suggested would benefit shoppers in the run-up to Christmas. The delay applies to two-thirds of the products subjected to this particular levy. A 10% tariff will be collected on the other Chinese goods from September 1st.
South Korea removed Japan from its list of trusted trading partners, escalating a trade dispute between the pair (Japan dropped South Koreas preferential trading status earlier this month). Trade between the two countries will now have to go through more red tape.
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabias state oil company, is to take a 20% stake in the refining and chemicals assets owned by Reliance Industries, an Indian conglomerate. The deal, which is still being negotiated, deepens existing ties between the companies and will be one of the biggest foreign investments in India to date.
沙特国有石油公司——沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司将持有印度企业集团信实工业(Reliance Industries)炼油和化工资产20%的股份。该交易仍在谈判中,这将加深两家公司之间的现有关系,并将成为迄今为止印度最大的外国投资之一。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
preference ['prefərəns]


n. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物

levy ['levi]


n. 征税,召集
vt. 征收,发动(战争

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

yield [ji:ld]


n. 生产量,投资收益
v. 生产,屈服,投降

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数





