Not long after a Seattle police sergeant tackled him in the parking lot of that bank,
Hathaway found himself cuffed to a desk inside an interrogation room in the Seattle Police Department's robbery unit, on the seventh floor of headquarters downtown.
Across from him were Seattle PD Detective Len Carver and King County Sheriff's Office Detective Mike Mellis,
veterans of numerous bank robbery cases and members of the FBI Safe Streets Task Force, formerly known as the Bank Robbery Task Force.
Hathaway was dead to rights, and he knew it.
He sat slumped in his chair and answered questions politely, never once raising his voice or acting defiant.
The detectives told him they'd been watching him "for probably much longer than you think" and that they knew this wasn't his first robbery.
"We did not stumble on you at KeyBank today because I happened to be driving through with a doughnut in my hand," Carver said, according to a transcript of the interrogation.
"I'm a heroin addict," Hathaway replied, then told them the story of his descent. "This opiate addiction ... it just f---ed my life up."
The two cops walked Hathaway through 30 robberies one by one, and he confessed to them all.

Mellis later recalled for a report that Hathaway was "sad, crying at times" as the eight-hour interview progressed.
"I just wanted enough money to get outta here, to leave," Hathaway told the detectives.
"That's what I told my mom. If I could just get enough money, I could go buy some methadone, and we could leave.
We could get out of this environment for a while until I can get off this stuff and try to get back to work and get my life back."
He warned the detectives that he'd be useless to them by morning.
Withdrawal would be upon him, and he'd be "in the worst pain you can imagine," he said.
At the moment, though, he was lucid. "They're gonna put me in prison. I don't think it's fair," Hathaway said,
which wasn't the same thing as claiming he was innocent. "I knew when I left this morning, that I was taking this chance ...
I'm not gonna sit here and feel sorry for myself. I mean, it is what it is. I gotta man up and do my time."