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经济学人双语拓展(MP3+文本) 第15期:大数据是如何改变NBA的

来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • An invisible, powerful force is lifting professional basketball to new heights. Transforming how this multi-billion dollar sport is played.
  • 一股看不见的强大力量将职业篮球提升到新的高度。这项价值数十亿美元体育运动的改变已经上演。
  • In elite sport, the difference between success and failure is often the finest of margins.
  • 在精英运动中,成功与失败的区别通常相差无几。
  • Go! Rockets! woo! The Houston Rockets are one of the top teams in NBA basketball. They boast some of the sport's biggest stars, including the NBA's Most Valuable Player in 2018.
  • 加油!火箭!喔!在NBA篮球比赛中,休斯顿火箭队是豪门球队之一。他们拥有一些联盟最棒的球员,包括2018赛季MVP球员。
  • Offensively what we were trying to do, defensively what we were trying to do, so the focus is trying to be on the same page every position for every game.
  • 在进攻时我们努力做到最好,在防守时我们也尝试做到最好,因此,关键是每个晚上在任何位置上我们都努力做到最好。
  • In the past decade, the Rockets have risen from mid-table mediocrity to serious NBA Championship contenders.
  • 在过去十年中,火箭队已经从一支联盟中游的平庸球队,变成了NBA总冠军的有力竞争者。
  • It's not just big names that have fueled this dramatic ascent, it's big data. The data that we go over is definitely important, you know, I think it gives us a little bit of an edge.
  • 这一戏剧化的转变,不仅仅是依靠明星球员的努力,还有大数据的支撑。我们分析的数据非常重要。你明白的,它提供了非常大的帮助。
  • To keep a balance of data and instinct is a big thing.
  • 将数据和天赋融合是一件很重要的事。
  • The Rockets' recent success owes much to their pioneering decision to start crunching data about every aspect of their game. And this is the man responsible.
  • 火箭队最近的成功很大程度上归功于他们的开创性决定:开始处理有关比赛各个方面的数据。这是负责人。
  • Analytics has really permeated everything, our edge has allowed us to win the most games, 65, last year.
  • 分析确实渗透到了一切,我们的优势已经让我们赢得了去年65场之多的比赛。
  • Computer scientist Daryl Morey is the sport's foremost data and statistics guru among NBA bosses.
  • 在众多NBA经理中,计算机科学家达里尔莫雷是这项体育运动最重要的数据和统计专家。
  • You can break winning down into two things, one is how many points do you get per possession, and then how do you get extra possessions?
  • 你可以把胜利分成两件事,一个是每次占有多少分,另外一个是你如何获得额外的收益?
  • Ten years ago, Daryl set out to find that winning formula. The Rockets were one of four NBA teams to install a pioneering video tracking system, which mined raw data from games.
  • 十年前,Daryl开始着手寻找那个获胜的法则。火箭队是安装先锋视频跟踪系统的四支NBA球队之一,该系统从比赛中挖掘原始的数据。
  • What they discovered changed the way teams tried to win.
  • 他们的发现改变了球队获胜的方式。
  • The data revealed which shots provided the best bang for buck, two-point dunks, and three-pointers, shot from outside the three point line, rather than long-range two point shots from inside it.
  • 数据显示了哪些投篮提供了最优的回报,两分扣篮和三分球,从三分线外投篮,而不是从内线投射的远距离两分球。
  • It's pretty dramatic, how powerful the three point shot is. You only have to make a third of your three-point shots to be worth a half of your two.
  • 这确实很戏剧化,三点投篮有多强大。你只需要让投三分球成本的三分之一值得你的两分球的一半即可。
  • Even within that, there's an extra miss you might rebound offensively. In the 1990s, long two-point shots from just inside the three-point line were common.
  • 即使这样,还会有额外的想法,你可能会在进攻时反打。在20世纪90年代,三分线内的长距离两分球很常见。
  • But Daryl's analysis showed that statistically, these shots provided the worst return. The number of attempted three-point shots has increased every year for the past decade.
  • 但Daryl的分析显示,从统计学上来说,这些投篮却收到了最低的回报。在过去十年中,每年尝试三分球的次数都在增加。
  • In the 2017-18 season, the Rockets made more three pointers than any other team in NBA history. And this was a major reason they won more games than any of their rivals.
  • 在2017-2018赛季,火箭队的三分球命中率超过NBA历史上任何一支球队。这是他们比任何竞争对手赢得更多比赛的主要原因。
  • Every percentage matters in sports, and extracting those percentages is what's really become much easier with data. We're in a pretty big transformational stage in sport.
  • 每个百分比参数在体育运动中都很重要,并且提取这些百分比则是数据变得更简单化。我们正处于一个相当大的体育转型阶段。
  • Professor Rajiv Maheswaran co-founded Second Spectrum. The analytics company gathers and codes a vast range of increasingly granular data for all 30 NBA teams.
  • Rajiv Maheswaran教授共同创立了Second Spectrum。(运动数据分析公司)这家数据分析公司收集和编码了来自30支NBA球队的大量日益细化的数据。
  • It feels like two chess pieces. Cameras now track and record 3D spacial data for every player and ball movement at 25 frames per second.
  • 感觉就像两个棋子。现在,摄像机可以跟踪和记录每个球员的3D空间数据以及每秒25帧的篮球移动。
  • Machine learning technology uses this huge volume of data to produce interactive visualizations, allowing teams to analyze the minutiae of their performances, and achieve marginal gains on court.
  • 机器学习技术使用大量数据来产生交互式可视化,并允许团队分析他们的表现细节,并在球场上获得的边际收益。
  • At first we taught the machine about 20 terms, right now it knows over 500 basketball terms. So the machine is essentially the integrated knowledge of all the elite basketball coaches.
  • 起初我们教了机器大约20个术语,现在它知道超过500个篮球术语。因此,该机器基本上是具备了所有精英篮球教练的综合知识。
  • There is a particular focus on all important data around player movement, and the probability of making a shot.
  • 它们特别关注围绕球员移动的所有重要数据以及投中的概率。
  • What we can do with the machine is to say look at all the shots like this one, and tell me the chance that the shot really could go in either for this player or for an average player.
  • 我们可以用机器做的就是看看像这样所有的投篮,然后告诉我这个投篮真的可以用于这个球员或其他普通球员的可能性。
  • And you bring in all the things that a person can see, not just where they're standing, but how they're moving, what type of shot they're trying to take, where are the defenders?
  • 而且你收获了一个人可以看到的所有东西,不仅仅是他们站在哪里,而是他们如何移动,以及他们想要采取什么类型的进攻,防守者在哪里?
  • And what we can do is put a number to what previously was a feeling, or something qualitative.
  • 而我们能做的就是把以前感觉或定性的东西进行数字化。
  • Data analysis has even changed the type of players that successful teams, like the Rockets, have. Players today are on average leaner and more agile.
  • 数据分析甚至改变了如火箭队这样成功球队所拥有的球员类型。今天的球员平均而言更精简,更敏捷。
  • Having skilled players, even if they're a little smaller, is more important than having bigger guys who are less skilled.
  • 拥有熟练的球员,即使他们有点小,也比拥有技术水平较低的大个子更重要。
  • When it comes to recruiting new players from the college draft each season, poring over data on player performance has given the Rockets a winning edge.
  • 在每个赛季从大学选秀中招募新球员时,仔细研究球员表现的数据已经让火箭队获得了优势。
  • We've been able to eke out about a 5% edge, and that actually turns out to be a massive advantage. Pro basketball's finale for the NBA title.
  • 我们已经能够勉强维持5%的优势,而事实证明这是一个巨大的优势。职业篮球队的NBA总决赛结局。
  • Basketball has constantly changed, but it's about to enter a brave new world, where data could be court-side in the hands of coaches, helping to swing a game as it happens.
  • 篮球不断变化,但它即将进入一个勇敢的全新世界,在教练的手中,数据可能会是球场上的一个方面,有助于扭转比赛。
  • The data's always getting faster and faster, the data used to take hours, we've got it down to minutes, and very soon it'll be down to seconds.
  • 数据总是变得越来越快,数据过去需要几个小时,我们已经把它缩短到几分钟,而且很快就会下降到几秒钟。
  • It's basically going to become functionally real-time very, very soon. I don't think we've scratched the surface of what's possible with data.
  • 它基本上会非常非常快地实现功能。我不认为我们已经触及到这些存在可能性的大数据的表面。(关注公众号知问导图,回复TEX,免费获取本期内容详解等更多精彩内容。)


An invisible, powerful force is lifting professional basketball to new heights. Transforming how this multi-billion dollar sport is played. In elite sport, the difference between success and failure is often the finest of margins.

Go!Rockets!woo! The Houston Rockets are one of the top teams in NBA basketball. They boast some of the sport's biggest stars, including the NBA's Most Valuable Player in 2018. Offensively what we were trying to do, defensively what we were trying to do, so the focus is trying to be on the same page every position for every game. In the past decade, the Rockets have risen from mid-table mediocrity to serious NBA Championship contenders. It's not just big names that have fueled this dramatic ascent, it's big data. The data that we go over is definitely important, you know, I think it gives us a little bit of an edge. To keep a balance of data and instinct is a big thing.

The Rockets' recent success owes much to their pioneering decision to start crunching data about every aspect of their game. And this is the man responsible. Analytics has really permeated everything, our edge has allowed us to win the most games, 65, last year. Computer scientist Daryl Morey is the sport's foremost data and statistics guru among NBA bosses. You can break winning down into two things, one is how many points do you get per possession, and then how do you get extra possessions?


Ten years ago, Daryl set out to find that winning formula. The Rockets were one of four NBA teams to install a pioneering video tracking system, which mined raw data from games. What they discovered changed the way teams tried to win. The data revealed which shots provided the best bang for buck, two-point dunks, and three-pointers, shot from outside the three point line, rather than long-range two point shots from inside it.

It's pretty dramatic, how powerful the three point shot is. You only have to make a third of your three-point shots to be worth a half of your two. Even within that, there's an extra miss you might rebound offensively. In the 1990s, long two-point shots from just inside the three-point line were common. But Daryl's analysis showed that statistically, these shots provided the worst return. The number of attempted three-point shots has increased every year for the past decade. In the 2017-18 season, the Rockets made more three pointers than any other team in NBA history. And this was a major reason they won more games than any of their rivals.

Every percentage matters in sports, and extracting those percentages is what's really become much easier with data. We're in a pretty big transformational stage in sport. Professor Rajiv Maheswaran co-founded Second Spectrum. The analytics company gathers and codes a vast range of increasingly granular data for all 30 NBA teams. It feels like two chess pieces. Cameras now track and record 3D spacial data for every player and ball movement at 25 frames per second. Machine learning technology uses this huge volume of data to produce interactive visualizations, allowing teams to analyze the minutiae of their performances, and achieve marginal gains on court.

At first we taught the machine about 20 terms, right now it knows over 500 basketball terms. So the machine is essentially the integrated knowledge of all the elite basketball coaches. There is a particular focus on all important data around player movement, and the probability of making a shot. What we can do with the machine is to say look at all the shots like this one, and tell me the chance that the shot really could go in either for this player or for an average player. And you bring in all the things that a person can see, not just where they're standing, but how they're moving, what type of shot they're trying to take, where are the defenders? And what we can do is put a number to what previously was a feeling, or something qualitative.

Data analysis has even changed the type of players that successful teams, like the Rockets, have. Players today are on average leaner and more agile. Having skilled players, even if they're a little smaller, is more important than having bigger guys who are less skilled. When it comes to recruiting new players from the college draft each season, poring over data on player performance has given the Rockets a winning edge. We've been able to eke out about a 5% edge, and that actually turns out to be a massive advantage. Pro basketball's finale for the NBA title. Basketball has constantly changed, but it's about to enter a brave new world, where data could be court-side in the hands of coaches, helping to swing a game as it happens. The data's always getting faster and faster, the data used to take hours, we've got it down to minutes, and very soon it'll be down to seconds. It's basically going to become functionally real-time very, very soon. I don't think we've scratched the surface of what's possible with data.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

mediocrity [.mi:di'ɔkriti]


n. 平常,平庸之才

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

draft [dræft]


n. 草稿,草图,汇票,徵兵
vt. 起草,征

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

probability [.prɔbə'biliti]


n. 可能性,或然率,机率

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策





