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TED十佳演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(3)

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  • If you look at what happened -- this little black line is as fast as man ever flew,
  • 如果你看一看发生了什么 -- 这条小黑线和人们曾经飞行的速度一样快,
  • and the red line is top-of-the-line military fighters and the blue line is commercial air transport.
  • 这条红线代表军队里速度最快的飞行员,蓝色代表商业飞机运输。
  • You notice here's a big jump when I was a little kid -- and I think that had something to do with giving me the courage to go out and try something that other people weren't having the courage to try.
  • 你注意这里有一个大的跳跃。当我还是一个小孩时-- 我认为曾有些事给予我勇气,走出去,尝试其他人没勇气去做的事。
  • Well, what did I do when I was a kid? I didn't do the hotrods and the girls and the dancing and, well, we didn't have drugs in those days.
  • 那么,我小时候做了什么?我那时没有玩车,交女朋友,没有跳舞。并且,那时我也没有吸毒。
  • But I did competition model airplanes. I spent about seven years during the Vietnam War flight-testing airplanes for the Air Force.
  • 我做了些比赛用的飞机模型。越战时,我花了七年时间为空军做飞机飞行测试。
  • And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages.
  • 后来,我涉猎飞机制造,并从中的到甚多乐趣,那些飞机是人们可以在自家车库里制造的。
  • And some 3,000 of those are flying. Of course, one of them is around the world Voyager.
  • 这些里面有约有3000架正在飞行。当然,它们中的一架是可以环游世界的航行者号(Voyager)。
  • I founded another company in '82, which is my company now.
  • 我在1982年建立了另一家公司,就是我现在的公司。
  • And we have developed more than one new type of airplane every year since 1982. And there's a lot of them that I actually can't show you on this chart.
  • 从1982年起,我们公司每年研发不只一种飞机,有许多飞机我无法在这张图上介绍给大家。
  • The most impressive airplane ever, I believe, was designed only a dozen years after the first operational jet.
  • 最令人印象深刻的飞机,我相信,是那架在第一架喷气式飞机制造出后,仅过了十二年就设计出的飞机。
  • Stayed in service till it was too rusty to fly, taken out of service. We retreated in '98 back to something that was developed in '56. What?
  • 它一直在飞行,直到锈迹斑斑才不再服役。我们1998年的研发水平倒退至1956年。什么?
  • The most impressive spaceship ever, I believe, was a Grumman Lunar Lander.
  • 史上最震撼人心的宇宙飞船,我相信,是格鲁曼公司(Grumman)所做的登月艇。
  • It was a -- you know, it landed on the moon, take off of the moon, didn't need any maintenance guys -- that's kind of cool.
  • 它是一艘--你知道,它在月球着陆,从月球起飞,无需人员维护-- 那有点儿酷。
  • We've lost that capability. We abandoned it in '72. This thing was designed three years after Gagarin first flew in space in 1961. Three years, and we can't do that now. Crazy.
  • 我们已经丧失了能力。我们在1972年放弃了它。这架飞船在前苏联宇航员加加林(Gagarin)1961年首次宇宙飞行的三年后被设计出来。三年,而我们现在做不到了。疯狂。

If you look at what happened -- this little black line is as fast as man ever flew,
如果你看一看发生了什么 -- 这条小黑线和人们曾经飞行的速度一样快,
and the red line is top-of-the-line military fighters and the blue line is commercial air transport.
You notice here's a big jump when I was a little kid -- and I think that had something to do with giving me the courage to go out and try something that other people weren't having the courage to try.
你注意这里有一个大的跳跃。当我还是一个小孩时-- 我认为曾有些事给予我勇气,走出去,尝试其他人没勇气去做的事。
Well, what did I do when I was a kid? I didn't do the hotrods and the girls and the dancing and, well, we didn't have drugs in those days.
But I did competition model airplanes. I spent about seven years during the Vietnam War flight-testing airplanes for the Air Force.
And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages.
And some 3,000 of those are flying. Of course, one of them is around the world Voyager.


I founded another company in '82, which is my company now.

And we have developed more than one new type of airplane every year since 1982. And there's a lot of them that I actually can't show you on this chart.
The most impressive airplane ever, I believe, was designed only a dozen years after the first operational jet.
Stayed in service till it was too rusty to fly, taken out of service. We retreated in '98 back to something that was developed in '56. What?
The most impressive spaceship ever, I believe, was a Grumman Lunar Lander.
It was a -- you know, it landed on the moon, take off of the moon, didn't need any maintenance guys -- that's kind of cool.
它是一艘--你知道,它在月球着陆,从月球起飞,无需人员维护-- 那有点儿酷。
We've lost that capability. We abandoned it in '72. This thing was designed three years after Gagarin first flew in space in 1961. Three years, and we can't do that now. Crazy.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

capability [.keipə'biliti]


n. 能力,才能,性能,容量

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

maintenance ['meintinəns]


n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用
n. 供给,

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告





